Imitacinės verslo įmonės modelio veiklos įvertinimas studentų požiūriu, panaudojant Kirkpatrick modelio 2 lygį

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Imitacinės verslo įmonės modelio veiklos įvertinimas studentų požiūriu, panaudojant Kirkpatrick modelio 2 lygį
Įmonės. Bendrovės / Companies. Enterprises; Verslas / Business.
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Imitacinė verslo įmonė; Imitavimas; Verslumo gebėjimai; Enterprise skills; Entrepreneurship skills; Imitatio business; Imitation; Imitation Business Enterprise model; Simulation; Simulation business enterprise.

ENWith application of Kirkpatrick's model, the entrepreneurship education process efficiency was evaluated by applying the Kirkpatrick model in four levels of evaluation: 1st level – reaction, 2nd level – self-education, 3rd level – behaviour, 4th level – results (Kirkpatrick, 1998). In this publication was presented the results of second level of the model. Students "self-education", i.e. education of entrepreneurship by applying the Imitation Business Enterprise model was performed. The following technical entrepreneurship skills are educated: communication and usage of information resources, but students sometimes do not have the opportunity to improve their foreign language writing and speaking skills, learn to work with graphical programs. Students learned the following skills for business management: problem solving and decision-making, financial insight, teamwork skills, abilities for management, but planning and marketing skills are educated more weakly. The principal personal entrepreneurship features are initiative, self-confidence, critical thinking and assessment, risk taking, need for seeking, but students sometimes are not so fostered to take risk in business decision-making.Entrepreneurship education process by applying the Imitation Business Enterprise model is often directed to education of features and skills, but there is small attention to demonstration of business establishment opportunities. [From the publication]

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2018-07-25 14:23:07
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