Reflektyvios mokytojo veiklos raiška specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių turinčių mokinių mokymo(si) procese

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Reflektyvios mokytojo veiklos raiška specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių turinčių mokinių mokymo(si) procese
Alternative Title:
Expression of teacher reflective activity during teaching/learning process of schoolchildren with special educational needs
In the Journal:
Mokslas ir edukaciniai procesai [Science and process of education]. 2010, Nr. 4 (13), p. 22-37
Mokiniai / School students; Mokytojų ugdymas / Teacher education; Specialusis ugdymas / Special education; Vaikai / Children.
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje aptariama reflektyvi mokytojų veikla, ugdant specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių turinčius mokinius bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje. Pateikiami interviu su mokytojais duomenys apie vykdomą reflektyvią veiklą ir jos prasmingumą kasdieniniame ugdymo procese bei atliktos mokytojų dienoraščių analizės duomenys, akcentuojant kokybinius pokyčius reflektyvioje mokytojų veikloje. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Mokinys; Refleksyvi mokytojo veikla; Reflektyvi mokytojo veikla; Specialiųjų poreikių vaikų ugdymas; Specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių turintis; Schoolchild with special educational needs; Schoolchildren witle special educotional needs; Teacher reflective activity; Teacher reflective study.

ENThe article discusses teacher reflective activity during the educational process of school­children with special needs in schools of general education. It also presents teacher interview data about their reflective activities and their meaning in everyday process of education. The author completes analyses of teacher diaries, focusing on qualitative changes in teacher reflective activities. The research topicality of the article is based on a complex need to reveal the expression of theoretical concept of reflective activity characteristics in everyday reality while educating schoolchildren with special needs in schools of general education. The research object is reflective activity of a teacher. The research aim is to describe reflective activities and practice of teachers that educate schoolchildren with special needs. In order to reach this aim some research methods are applied: scientific literature analysis, semi-structured interview, using elements of deep interviews, diaries of teachers and schoolchildren. Also data analysis methods are used: qualitative analysis of content (interview and diaries) Interview data analysis revealed quite an ambiguous situation of teacher reflective practice. On one side, teachers focus on the lack of reflective environments and a need for them. On the other hand, they describe the practice when educational processes of special needs schoolchildren are transferred to a certain teacher, certain class, certain time (''your schoolchild, your problem'').Teachers purportedly would like to develop activities of reflective practice; however, at this time they do not face the necessity and meaning for such an activity in everyday reality. In the diaries teachers describe educational processes that have more various forms: teacher intercommunication and cooperation processes are activated, and it helps ensuring better results of activities and education; formal and informal activities of an educational process are planned, formulating aims, focusing on development of skills and abilities of schoolchildren with special needs; critical self-activity evaluation is initiated; processes of all schoolchildren communication, cooperation, tolerance, listening to each other in heterogeneous groups are developed. Teacher diary analysis revealed quite a wide spectrum of reflections: from reflections about schoolchildren, their creative activity announcement (reflective practice) to reflexive activities, analysing professional self-identity, ethics, dominating attitudes and moral values or critical thinking, when individual history is critically analysed, professional practice and socially constructed problems. However, national teachers understand diaries as a direct activity description; that is, generalising activities, analysing effective and weak aspects, success and failures of activities, and individual practice at a minimum level. [From the publication]

1822-4644; 2345-0681
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2017-09-20 19:23:27
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