Juozo Vaitkevičiaus kvietimas mokytojui pažinti save

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Juozo Vaitkevičiaus kvietimas mokytojui pažinti save
Alternative Title:
J. Vaitkevičius’ invitation to practice teacher self-awareness in education
In the Journal:
Acta paedagogica Vilnensia. 2009, t. 22, p. 174-183
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnis grindžia J. Vaitkevičiaus kvietimo iš naujo atkreipti dėmesį į mokytojo pareigą - grąžinti į mokyklą mokinio - t. y. žmogaus, prigimtinę teisę rūpintis savimi, save pažinti, aktualumą. Tai siejama ir su mokytojo asmenybe, ir kvietimu ugdytis šias asmens charakteristikas, kaip būtinas mokytojo profesijos sudedamąsias dalis, teikiančias atramą jo profesinėje veikloje. Straipsnyje interpretuojamos įvairių autorių savęs pažinimo, kaip žmonijos pažangos veiksnio, nuostatos. Pedagoginiu požiūriu aptariama refleksija - kaip mokytojo savęs pažinimo galimybė. [Iš leidinio]

ENEvery generation of teachers moves along the way to changes in education performing two main functions: teaching and education of young children. Teaching and educating is a highly personal activity and experience. The human aspect - a teacher as the subject of the professional activity - becomes a major factor in teaching practice. Nowadays, the problems of the subject as a phenomenon of social reality is becoming increasingly more topical (Saiko, 2006). Teacher personality factor have been re- cognized in the profession; however, works providing more exhaustive analysis of the teacher self-awareness are not numerous. This article reviews teacher's self-awareness as presented in J. Vaitkevičius' works in terms of pupil education and development. The first part of the article stresses the relationship between teacher self-awareness and personal / social progress of young people. It says that the way to this progress has to begin with the teacher and his / her self-awareness. Article develops the idea that teacher's self-awareness is among the most important influencing factors on the life and development of many young people. The benefit of teacher's self-awareness in teaching and educating is supported by the works of some scholars. The second part of the article deals with reflection - as an instrument of teacher's self-awareness offering possibilities to discover one's external and internal personal differences which can acquire distinctive kinds of teacher actions and judgements in professional practice. [From the publication]

1392-5016; 1648-665X
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