Lietuvių ir lenkų leksikografijos sąsajos

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Lietuvių ir lenkų leksikografijos sąsajos
Alternative Title:
Connections between Lithuanian and Polish lexicography
In the Book:
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Daugiakalbiai žodynai; Dvikalbiai žodynai; Istorija; LKŽ istorija ir šaltiniai; Leksikografija; Lietuvių ir lenkų leksikografija; Lietuvių ir lenkų leksikografijos sąsajos; Bilingual dictionaries; History; History and sources of the Academic Dictionary of the Lithuanian language; Lexicography; Lithuanian; Lithuanian and Polish lexicographic interrelations; Lithuanian and Polish lexicography; Multilingual dictionaries.

ENIn this short bibliographical draft the author discusses the main achievements of the Lithuanian lexicography and demonstrates the close links of the Polish and Lithuanian lexicography. The author first notes that the roots of the Polish-Lithuanian lexicography date back to the beginning of the 17th century, when Konstantinas Sirvydas prepared the publication of the first dictionary - Dictionarium Trium Lingvarum - consisting of Polish, Latin and Lithuanian entries. The aforementioned dictionary, known in Russia, Latvia, Poland and Italy, was the only one published in Lithuania until the 18th century and had five different editions. Thanks to Sirvidas, the Lithuanian language became widely known, next to Latin and Polish. [...] Next, the author draws attention to the history of writing another outstanding work of Lithuanian lexicography, the Dictionary of Lithuanian Language in 20 volumes, which best illustrates the relationship between Polish and Lithuanian lexicography. This dictionary was written by several generations of Lithuanian lexicographers within 60 years (1941-2002). It contains approximately 0,5 million of lexemes, found and certified in various kinds of written sources (including historical ones), and Lithuanian dialects (about 500 towns, including the areas of Lithuanian dialects in Poland). General list of entries applied in the DLL has about a thousand items. An extensive dictionary files of 4,5 million lexemes has been written while preparing this dictionary.These files were started by Buga, who used to gather personally collected materials and then copy on lexicographical files. A number of linguistic dissertations was based on the dictionary and its records; they were used by a famous Russian Linguist Vladimir Toporov among others. The author provides some highly interesting detailed information on the multilingual dictionaries published in the 19th century: Lithuanian-Russian-Polish Dictionary by Antanas Juśka, printed in 1897, 1902, and 1922, and Lithuanian-Latvian-Polish-Russian Dictionary by the priest Mykolas Miežinis, printed in Tylża/Tilże in 1894. [...] Finally, the author emphasizes that the Polish historical and present-day lexicography was of great help and often served as an example in development of Lithuanian dictionaries. When explaining the terms and specifying the origins of the Lithuanian lexis, authors of the DLL often used, and benefited, from the prominent Polish lexicographers, Samuel Linde, Jan Karłowicz or Witold Doroszewski. [text from author]

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2016-07-19 14:24:05
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