Dvi antonimų poros: mirtis-gimimas, mirtis-gyvenimas

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Dvi antonimų poros: mirtis-gimimas, mirtis-gyvenimas
Alternative Title:
Pairs of antonyms: death-birth, death-life
In the Journal:
Darbai ir dienos [Deeds and Days]. 2000, t. 24, p. 121-142. Tekstynų lingvistika
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Abstraktas; Antonimas; Antonimų poros; Kognityvinė metafora; Kolokatas; Konceptualioji metafora; Kontekstas; Reikšmė; Tekstynas; Tekstynų lingvistika; Vartosenos modeliai; Abstract noun; Antonimic Pairs; Antonym; Cognitive metaphor; Collocate; Conceptual metaphor; Context; Corpus; Corpus linguistics; Meaning; Usage patterns.

ENThe paper applies a new method to investigate the antonymical meaning of the selected abstract nouns: death-birth, death-life. It is based on theories of Western researchers such as J. Sinclair, G. Lakoff & M.Johnson, concerning the meaning of expanded lexical items and their metaphorical usage. The author provides the analysis of the selected words from the corpus using a corpus-based approach which becomes more and more popular. The meaning of a word is examined from various perspectives: lexical, syntactic, morphological, semantic, and pragmatic. The research concentrates on the semantic analysis of the collocates. Conceptual metaphors derived from collocations are described and classified into the cognitive models. The hypothesis raised in the beginning of the research about the similarity of the contextual environment of antonyms is confirmed by the detailed analysis of the lexical environment of antonymical noun pairs. [text from author]

1392-0588; 2335-8769
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