Mobingas švietimo organizacijose : konsultavimo paslaugų poreikis

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Mobingas švietimo organizacijose: konsultavimo paslaugų poreikis
Alternative Title:
Mobbing in educational organisations: the demand for consulting services
In the Journal:
Studijos šiuolaikinėje visuomenėje. 2011, Nr. 2(1), p. 193-201
Darbo sąlygos / Working conditions; Darbuotojai / Workers; Draugijos. Organizacijos / Societies. Organisations; Žiniasklaida / Mass media.
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnio autorės 2008 ir 2009 metais atliktų tyrimų rezultatai parodė, kad Lietuvos organizacijose mobingo aukai itin sunku sulaukti kvalifikuotos specialistų pagalbos, kadangi organizacijos retai pasitelkia konsultantus. 2010 metais atliktu tyrimu siekta nustatyti, ar po gausesnės informacijos sklaidos žiniasklaidoje ir specializuotuose renginiuose aukos situacija organizacijoje pasikeitė, kokių mobingo intervencijos priemonių imamasi. Straipsnyje aptariami pagalbos mobingo aukoms būdai, taikomi užsienio šalių organizacijose. Pristatomi mobingo raiškos švietimo organizacijose tyrimo rezultatai, analizuojamas nuo mobingo nukentėjusių aukų konsultacijų poreikis. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Darbuotojų santykiai; Konsultavimo paslaugos; Mobingas; Organizacijos; Consulting services; Employee relations; Mobbing; Organisations.

ENThe need for consultation to persons affected by mobbing in Lithuanian organisations is analysed, the methods of aid to mobbing victims applied in foreign organisations and the possibilities of the application thereof are discussed, and the necessity of specialized mobbing consultants is emphasized in the article. The research aimed to clarify the situation of mobbing victims in organisations and the need for consulting services. 362 mobbing victims from public and private sector organisations were interviewed. Less than half of people, who experienced mobbing, worked in the private sector, and the rest worked in the public sector. In terms of the number of employees, the majority of mobbing victims worked in small and medium-sized organisations, the number of victims in such organisations exceeded several times the number of mobbing victims in very small organisations – it would show that the problem is particularly relevant in the organisations with more complex structures and a greater distance between management and employees. About two thirds of respondents indicated that they did not receive any help, and a lawyer, a psychologist and a therapist helped less than to one tenth of mobbing victims. About three quarters of the respondents wanted the specialized help of mobbing consultants and psychologists. Thus, the demand for specialized consulting in Lithuanian organisations was only minimally met so far. [From the publication]

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