Globalizacija ir tautinio ugdymo problema XXI a. Lietuvos mokykloje

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Globalizacija ir tautinio ugdymo problema XXI a. Lietuvos mokykloje
Alternative Title:
Globalization and national upbringing problems in the 21st century Lithuanian school
In the Journal:
Mokytojų ugdymas [Teacher Education]. 2005, Nr. 5, p. 13-19
Summary / Abstract:

LTTautinio ugdymo problema aktuali visais Lietuvos istoriniais tarpsniais. Be tautinio ugdymo nebus ir tautos. Straipsnyje siekiama atskleisti tautinio bei pilietinio ugdymo svarbą XXI a. Lietuvos mokykloje. Tuo tikslu atlikta mokslinės literatūros bei švietimo dokumentų analizė, išryškinusi švietimo kaitą, veikiamą globalizacijos ir Lietuvos integracijos į europines struktūras procesų. Remiantis metaanalizės metodu, atskleista tautinio ugdymo reikšmė tarpukario Lietuvoje bei tautinio ugdymo nuvertinimo tendencijos XXI a. Lietuvos mokykloje. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Globalizacija; Globalizacija, tautinis identitetas, tautinis ugdymas, pilietinis ugdymas; Pilietinis ugdymas; Tautinis identitetas; Tautinis ugdymas; Civil upbringing; Globalization; Globalization, national identity, national upbringing, civil upbringing; National identity; National upbringing.

EN[…]On the one hand, this article aims to reveal the meaning of national upbringing in inter-war Lithuania on the basis of S. Šalkauskis', A. Maceina's works and the results of V. Raudis' (1998) researches on national upbringing in Lithuanian primary schools in the years 1918–1940. The author looks for an answer to the problematic question whether Lithuania is not going to lose national identity in the process of widespread globalization in A. Maceina's work "National upbringing". On the other hand this work aims to emphasize the loss of value of national Upbringing in the 21st century, Lithuanian schools. Basic education standards for I-Х forms, history teaching standards for V–X forms (1998), history state and school examination tests, A. Poviliūnas' (1998) carried out research "Lithuanian Students' Historical Self-awareness and Educational Reform Data", 1993 results of the European educational institutions consortium CIDREE performed research on history teaching in the Central and Eastern European states. Scientific literature and educational documents analysis proved that in the years 1918–1940 a considerable attention was given to national upbringing in Lithuania. National upbringing seeks to develop man capable of implementing the nation's mission and its ideal – harmonic, strong and prosperous state. National and patriotic upbringing, as S. Šalkauskis, A. Maceina point out, create conditions to seek for such cultural level that the nation would deserve to be called a nation.V. Raudis' performed ethnographic research evidenced that due to reinforced national upbringing in inter-war period the individuals who remained in Lithuania directly influenced the formation of national consciousness during the years of occupation fighting actively and passively for the nation's freedom, independence which, due to favorable historical conditions, was finally achieved on 11 March 1990. Restoration of Lithuania's independence urged the necessity to reorganize Lithuanian educational system. The educational reform started in 1988 had to overcome complex stages of permanent education system creation. And nowdays we have to strengthen the principles of nationalism, reinforce civil upbringing. While integration into the European structures is taking place, the danger of losing national self-awareness, our culture, traditions, customs and language exists. A. Poviliūnas carried out a research on school students' historic self-awareness shows that students are strongly influenced by historic historiography, which emphasizes the role of the state. It may be argued, if such a state as Lithuania is today, could help developing national self-awareness. Thus, education in the conditions of globalization has to develop dynamic "modern Lithuanian consciousness", modern man's nationalism and national respect. At the same time it has to instill respect to other cultures and civilizations, people of other cultures. The main method of modern individual upbringing is organizing independent, creative learning seeking to develop critical thinking. This helps to develop moral, social, cultural, economic values, which serve the nation and humanity. [From the publication]

1822-119X; 2424-3302
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