Pradedančių dirbti technologijų mokytojų pasirengimas pedagoginei veiklai

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Pradedančių dirbti technologijų mokytojų pasirengimas pedagoginei veiklai
Alternative Title:
Young technology teachers' readiness for pedagogical activities
In the Book:
Technologijos mokykloje ir gyvenimo įgūdžių ugdymas / sudarytoja Manefa Miškinienė. Vilnius: Vilniaus pedagoginio universiteto leidykla, 2009. P. 32-38
Mokytojų ugdymas / Teacher education; Mokslinis ugdymas / Scientific education.
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje analizuojamas pradedančiųjų technologijų mokytojų pasirengimas pedagoginei veiklai ugdymo institucijose. Šiame kontekste apibendrinami kitų tyrėjų atlikti analogiški tyrimai ir pristatomi jų rezultatai, atskleidžiantys pradedančiųjų technologijų mokytojų nuomonę apie pasirengimą profesinei pedagoginei veiklai. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Pasirengimas pedagoginei veiklai; Pradedantieji mokytojai; Technologinis ugdymas; Readiness for pedagigocal activities; Readiness for pedagogical activities; Technological education; Young teachers.

ENThe importance of the competences attached to teacher's profession is gaining deeper perception in the context of educational paradigm change. The paper focuses on the analysis of young technology teachers' readiness for professional activities at educational institutions. The aim of the article is to present the results of the research that reveal young technology teachers' opinion about their readiness for professional activities at school. In order to realize the aim of the study the following research methods were applied: analysis of scientific literature and education policy documents, interviews (6 respondents), and qualitative content analysis. The research revealed that young technology teachers see their readiness for professional activities at school as sufficient, but they also reveal some directions for the improvement of teacher training process. Participants of the qualitative research at high level evaluate their competencies for successful communication with pupils and their parents, but accentuate difficulties in establishing professional contacts with colleagues at school and a lack of support. The respondents ascribe high level to their abilities to manage teaching / learning process and evaluate pupils' achievements, but identify some difficulties in evaluation during technology lessons in relation to the specificity of the subject. [From the publication]

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2013-05-29 22:10:58
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