Procesinio valdymo ir pokyčių diegimo organizacijoje metodologiniai aspektai

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Procesinio valdymo ir pokyčių diegimo organizacijoje metodologiniai aspektai
Alternative Title:
Methodological aspects of process management and change implementation in organizations
In the Journal:
Verslo ir teisės aktualijos [Current issues of business and law]. 2009, t. 4, p. 72-87
Valdymas / Management; Verslas / Business.
Summary / Abstract:

LTSiekdamos gerinti veiklos ir produktų kokybę vis daugiau organizacijų yra priverstos operatyviai pertvarkyti savo veiklą, atisakyti nepelningų sričių, optimizuoti veiklą ir atlikti veiksmingas reorganizacijas. Straipsnio tikslas – remiantis mokslinės literatūros procesinio valdymo diegimo, procesų gerinimo bei pokyčių valdymo diegimo ir įgyvendinimo klausimais, jų apibendrintais rezultatais ir autorių atlikto organizacijų žvalgomojo tyrimo duomenimis, parengti procesų pertvarkymo ir pokyčių diegimo valdymo modelį, galintį supaprastinti ir palengvinti galimų rizikų ir jų atsiradimo šaltinių identifikavimą. Šiuo metu vyrauja du organizacijų valdymo modeliai: funkcinis ir procesinis. Apibendrinant jų esmines nuostatas galima tvirtinti, kad funkciniame modelyje prioritetas teikiamas darbuotojų kompetencijoms ir laiko resursų veiksmingam panaudojimui, tuo tarpu procesiniame modelyje veiklos efektyvumo siekiama veiksmingai valdomų procesų pagalba. Autorių siūlomas procesų pertvarkymo ir pokyčių diegimo valdymo modelis gali ne tik palengvinti pokyčių struktūrizavimą ir jų diegimo nuoseklumo užtikrinimą, bet ir pasitarnauti kaip rizikų prevencijos bei valdymo instrumentas. Rizikos galėtų būti vertinamos kiekviename inovacijos diegimo etape pagal jų galimą įtaką galutiniam ar siekiamam pokyčiui per tam tikrą laiką, atsižvelgiant į pokyčio įgyvendinimo kainą, o taip pat į konkrečiame etape procesų pertvarkymu siektiną kokybės pagerėjimą.Reikšminiai žodžiai: Modelis; Pokyčių vadyba; Procesinio valdymo diegimas; Procesinis valdymas; Rizikos valdymas; Rizikų valdymas; VKV; Valdymo sistemų pertvarkymas; Verslo procesų pertvarkymas; Business; Change implementation; Change management; Implementation of process management; Management system reengineering; Model; Process management; Process reengineering; Risk management; TQM.

ENThe aim of this paper is to generalize scientific literature on the implementation of process management, the improvement of processes and the implementation of change management and to develop a methodology and a model for identifying the main sources of risks in implementing process management, the improvement of processes and the implementation of change management in organizations. Methodology: this paper is based on a systematic analysis of relevant scientific literature and a survey of 122 Lithuanian organizations. More and more organizations are forced to revise their operation in an urgent and critical way in order to abandon unprofitable activities, optimise their businesses, reorganize and, simultaneously, maintain and even improve the quality of their products or services. Such changes may be fairly difficult or even fatal for a company that is not properly prepared to address them. In times of hardship the most important role probably goes to managers, persons who have to convince and inspire their colleagues and employees and have to take a risk of making tough and rationally cardinal decisions based on a prior evaluation of all possible dangers. On the one hand, there are countless accents highlighted in quality and management systems, strategic means, methods, tools, and schools, and it seems that neither scientists nor management consultants intend to cease creating new or better models, methods and instruments.On the other hand, this is a period when time management is being emphasized the most, i.e., if one does not adopt proper and timely decisions, any other subsequent decisions or actions become useless or, to be more exact, impossible. If necessary actions are not taken in a timely manner and are not communicated clearly and unambiguously to the subjects of an organization and/or the subjects of contacting organizations/partners who, in their own turn, have to take adequate timely measures in their organizations as well as define personal objectives, not only the company will fail to adapt to the changes in strategic steps but its partners will experience difficulties too. Furthermore, failure to adjust to ongoing changes in a company may be caused by the reluctance, inability or deliberate refusal of a manager to refer to numerous available tools (in their broad sense) accessible with the help of modern technologies. In conclusion, a constantly increasing number of the so called "professional" service suppliers (i.e., management consultants) also add to the resistance to change by companies. The article analyses the main sources of risk that may surface while striving to transform business management principles and management systems of organizations from functionbased to process-based during the stages of their initiation, preparation, creation and implementation. [text from author]

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