Darbo paieškos alternatyvos : teorija ir praktika

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Darbo paieškos alternatyvos: teorija ir praktika
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Job search alternatives: theory and practice
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LTEkonominės recesijos metu darbo rinkoje susidariusi situacija atskleidė ir išryškino problemas, kurios ypač stipriai palietė daugelį šalies gyventojų. Darbuotojų mažinimo procesai pasiekė net vadybinės bei vidurinės grandies vadovų pozicijas. Sparčiai didėjant bedarbių skaičiui, itin aktyvi tapo konkurencija dėl laisvų darbo vietų. Šiuolaikinėmis išplėtotų technologijų sąlygomis darbo paieškos procese naudojamos priemonės ir būdai gerokai įvairesni, tačiau įsidarbinimo problema išlieka aktuali. Straipsnyje analizuojamas darbo paieškos procesas, kuriame aktyviai sąveikauja įmonė, įdarbinimui tarpininkaujanti institucija (ITI) ir netekęs darbo asmuo. Vertinamos darbo paieškos alternatyvos ir jų prioritetai įsidarbinimo procese. Bedarbio elgseną ir aktyvumą sąlygoja įvairūs veiksniai: ekonominiai, socialiniai, emociniai, psichologiniai ir kt., kurie tarpusavyje glaudžiai susiję. Nesėkminga darbo paieška dažnai siejama su paties bedarbio pasyvumu darbo rinkoje, tačiau remiantis šalies ir užsienio mokslininkų atliktų tyrimų rezultatais pastebėta, kad daugeliu atveju nesutampa darbdavio ir darbo ieškančio asmens lūkesčiai ir galimybės darbo paieškos grandinėje. Problemas spręsti padeda ne tik įdarbinimui tarpininkaujančios institucijos, bet ir pats asmuo, savarankiškai pasirinkęs darbo paieškos alternatyvą. Tyrimo rezultatai pagrindžia bedarbių elgseną pasirenkant darbo paieškos alternatyvą, dualios darbo rinkos egzistavimą ir ilgalaikio nedarbo augimą. Efektyviausia darbo paieška - neformalūs socialiniai ryšiai, artimųjų ir draugų pagalba įsidarbinant ir įdarbinimo institucijų tarpininkavimas.Reikšminiai žodžiai: Darbo rinka; Nedarbas; Bedarbiai; Darbo paieškos alternatyvos; Labor market; Unemployment; Unemployed; Job search options.; Job search options.

ENJob search problems become extremely relevant through the growing unemployment in the country. This labour market research shows that the flexibility of labour market can depend on demand changes. Links with the internal labour market are particularly important because they more or less influence on the possibilities of labour force recruitment for uncontrolled rotation. The rarity of some qualifications enables companies to defend the internal labour market from the external one. Having analysed microeconomics interpretations in the context of the national economy labour market, Doeringer (1973) and Piore (1973) defined the duality category of labour market, and presented the concepts of primary and secondary labour markets as well as pointed out their differences. The ground of the studies of these scientists has been the dichotomy of labour market based in the horizontal labour market segmentation. Primary labour market is specified by increasing payment, good working conditions, position stability, career possibilities, obeying the rules organizing the usage of labour force. Secondary labour market, on the contrary, is characterized by low payment and profit, worse working conditions, big turnover and temporary unemployment periods, low career possibilities. The equivalence of the social structure and labour market is possible, because secondary labour market involves members from lower society layers (cultural minority, especially migrants). The lower and higher layers are defined in primary labour market. The higher layer involves specialists and executives. Often they bypass the consistent pattern of internal labour market, and external mobility is related with their career. The lower layer ensures effective stability of a company.Analysing the duality and internal and external labour market links, according to Doeringer (1973) and Piore (1973), the first segment is related with internal labour markets. Enter to this segment is often followed by particular processes: classification of payment according to the worker's productivity and education, changes of work demand. Secondary labour market is specified by other different elements. Here only the position of the highest competition (outwork, hotel works, construction works, etc.) was noticed. However, secondary labour market is typical for such companies, which stimulate welfare market, though their work organization has not structured the internal labour market. The possibility of entering all organizational levels is very low, payment and profit is low and labour force rotation is high. Real internal labour market includes primary positions, the other part - secondary positions. For this reason conditions of entering the first and second segment are different. Secondary positions are related with movable labour force, which depends on changes in the primary segment in an organization. Generally rotation of the secondary labour market members is becoming more active - more redundancy appears, workers prefer short procedures of their recruitment. Primary labour market is distinguishes having by reverse processes: to enter it strict selection is applied. Job search alternatives are being analysed in the paper. A person, lost the job, has a possibility to choose some different search forms, however, companies employ not all applicants. The unemployed as well as companies searching for employees have their own expectations which determine their behaviour in labour market. The paper presents the mathematical model which bases behaviour of unemployed searching for a job, dual market existence, and long-term unemployment growth.The results of the research highlighted that the most efficient job search alternative is informal relations and help of friends and relatives getting a job. While the possibilities of searching a job on the Internet are growing up, the importance of traditional employment agencies is decreasing. Morphological characteristics of the internal labour market deal with many different elements. Firstly specific qualifications exist in every company, which are not possible to apply in the other one. Investment is often used for workers specific training. Because of that companies are concerned with stabilization of labour force turnover and rotation. [From the publication]

1648-9098; 2424-337X
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