Meno terapijos paslaugos poreikis Šiaulių regione

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Meno terapijos paslaugos poreikis Šiaulių regione
Alternative Title:
Demand of creative therapy service in Šiauliai region
In the Journal:
Šiauliai. Šiaulių kraštas (Šiauliai region); Lietuva (Lithuania).
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje pateikiamas meno terapijos paslaugos aktualijos Šiaulių regione. Pristatomu tyrimu analizuojamas meno terapijos paslaugos poreikis, atskleidžiama ekspertų nuomonė dėl problemų, kurias meno terapijos paslauga gali padėti išspręsti, aptariama institucijų, kuriose gali būti taikoma meno terapija, nauda ir meno terapeuto kompetencijos bei savybės. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Meno terapija; Paslauga; Meno terapeutas; Creative therapy; Service; Creative therapist.

ENThe article analyses the demand of creative therapy service, which is topical both in Šiauliai region and all over Lithuania, because nowadays a tendency is observed that there is a rise of human needs for psychological, spiritual, self-expression and relaxation (enjoyment pleasure). The subject of this article is the demand of creative therapy service. The main objective is to determine the demand of creative therapy service in Šiauliai region. The research was done in two ways. First researches made an operationalization scheme of creative therapy service that includes problems, target consumer and institution in which creative therapy is used. Creative therapy's demand model is developed according to operationalization scheme process by determining 5 main elements: 1) problem and acknowledgement of the problem. 2) search for information: 3) alternative evaluation; 4) decision to use creative therapy service; 5) creative therapy service evaluation; and creative therapist's competence on which benefit to the costumer depends. The empirical research base consists of creative therapy experts from Šiauliai region, who work as creative therapists, or are aware of creative therapy. The research was conducted using unstructured interview method. Respondents where asked about the problems that creative therapy service can solve and needs it can satisfy, the institutions in which creative therapy service can be provided, and competence and personal characteristic of the service provider, referred to as creative therapist.It was ascertained that demand of creative therapy service in Šiauliai region is bigger than in other regions of Lithuania, but there is a lack of qualified creative therapists. The results of empirical research have shown that creative therapy service can be used not only for medical purpose and in medical institutions, but it also can be used practically as recreational service for self-esteem, relaxation, creativity training or leisure time activity in leisure centres, sport clubs or beauty salons. In order to be a good specialist, creative therapist must have communication and creativity skills, be empathic. understanding and patient. Knowledge of psychology is essential, and creative therapist also must have knowledge in particular art sphere, but not necessarily be a professional in it. [From the publication]

1648-9098; 2424-337X
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2018-12-20 23:17:04
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