Mokinių požiūris į kalbinius stereotipus

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Mokinių požiūris į kalbinius stereotipus
Alternative Title:
Students' view of language stereotypes
In the Journal:
Mokiniai / School students; Kalbos vartojimas. Sociolingvistika / Language use. Sociolinguistics; Baltų kalbos / Baltic languages; Lietuva (Lithuania).
Summary / Abstract:

ENThe article focuses on the stereotyping of linguistic attitudes. The aim is to reveal the attitude of Lithuanian school students towards language-related stereotypes in society. The research is based on the data from the Vilnius University project "Linguistic Attitudes and Linguistic Behavior of the Lithuanian Population" (2020–2021; supported by the State Lithuanian Language Commission). They consist of qualitative semi-structured interviews with 68 students (aged 16–19). The interviewees live in various Lithuanian cities and towns. The pupils were asked to express their views on the following linguistic stereotypes: 1) the situation of the Lithuanian language is getting worse; 2) today’s young people are illiterate; 3) internet communication has a negative effect on the Lithuanian language; 4) English and its active use poses a threat to the Lithuanian language; 5) the mother tongue must be respected and loved. The research shows that students are critical of the existing negative stereotypes related to the Lithuanian language. They more frequently do not identify with the group that creates and maintains such stereotypes. Therefore, negative stereotypes basically perform the social-differentiation function. The positive stereotype is accepted by students as a non-negotiable truth. Thus, this stereotype performs a social-explanatory function, helps to support the group’s ideology, unites the community. Keywords: linguistic attitudes, negative stereotypes, positive stereotype, school students, Lithuanian language. [From the publication]

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2024-05-06 10:29:35
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