Vaikų, sergančių cukriniu diabetu, sveikatos kompetencijos ugdymas(is) įvairioje aplinkoje

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Vaikų, sergančių cukriniu diabetu, sveikatos kompetencijos ugdymas(is) įvairioje aplinkoje
Alternative Title:
Development of the health competences of children with diabetes mellitus in diverse environments
In the Journal:
Social inquiry into well-being [Socialinės gerovės tyrimai]. 2023, 21, 2, p. 112-128
Summary / Abstract:

LTCukrinis diabetas – tai liga, kai organizme sutrinka procesai, palaikantys normalią gliukozės koncentraciją kraujyje. Cukrinis diabetas tampa pirmaujančia liga vaikų endokrinologijoje, sukeliančia sveikatos sutrikimus ir komplikacijas, dėl kurių gali sutrumpėti gyvenimo trukmė. Vaikui nustačius cukrinio diabeto diagnozę, vaikų ir tėvų ugdymas(is) turi prasidėti iš karto, kadangi jiems reikia įgyti sveikatos kompetenciją, padedančią valdyti ligą ir susigyventi su ja, o tai pirmiausia įvyksta gydymo įstaigų aplinkoje. Vaikams ir jų tėvams, siekiantiems valdyti ligą, yra reikalinga informacija, įgūdžiai ir vertybinės nuostatos, kurių galima įgyti įvairioje ugdymo(si) aplinkoje. Vaikai ir jų tėvai, įgydami sveikatos kompetenciją, gali pagerinti sveikatos būklę ir išvengti įvairių komplikacijų. Tyrimo objektas – vaikų, kurie serga cukriniu diabetu, sveikatos kompetencijos ugdymas(is) įvairioje aplinkoje. Straipsnio tikslas – atskleisti vaikų, kurie serga cukriniu diabetu, sveikatos kompetencijos ugdymą(si) įvairioje aplinkoje. Uždaviniai: 1) identifikuoti vaikų sveikatos kompetencijos ugdymo(si) aplinką; 2) atskleisti, kaip ir kokioje aplinkoje cukriniu diabetu sergantys vaikai ugdosi sveikatos kompetencijas.Tyrimo klausimai: 1. Kokia yra reali vaikų, sergančių cukriniu diabetu, sveikatos kompetencijos ugdymo(si) aplinka? 2. Kokius sveikatos kompetencijos aspektus cukriniu diabetu sergantys vaikai ugdo(si) skirtingoje aplinkoje? 3. Kokia ugdymo(si) aplinka yra priimtiniausia vaikams ir kodėl? Tyrimo metodai: teoriniai: mokslinės literatūros analizė, apibendrinimas ir sisteminimas; empiriniai: duomenys rinkti pusiau struktūruotu interviu metodu; tyrimo duomenų analizei taikytas turinio (content) analizės metodas. Siekiant prisotinimo principo kokybiniame tyrime atlikti 7 interviu su vaikais (4 mergaitės ir 3 berniukai), sergančiais cukriniu diabetu. Tyrime išskirtos šešios vaikų sveikatos kompetencijos ugdymo(si) aplinkos: gydymo įstaigų aplinka, šeimos, vasaros stovyklų / sanatorijų aplinka, savivaldaus mokymosi aplinka, socialinių medijų ir likimo draugų aplinkos. Empiriniu tyrimu atskleista, kad vaikams yra svarbu, jog ugdymo(si) aplinka būtų saugi ir jauki, leistų jiems atsiskleisti, būti savimi ir reikšti savo mintis, ugdytis per patirtį. Sveikatos kompetencijos ugdymo(si) aplinkos organizatoriai turėtų motyvuoti vaikus ir įtraukti į šį procesą kuo įvairesnės įdomios veiklos ir kūrybiškų metodų. Reikšminiai žodžiai: cukrinis diabetas; sveikatos kompetencija; ugdymo(si) aplinka; vaikai. [Iš leidinio]

ENDiabetes mellitus is a disease during which certain processes in the body which maintain a normal blood glucose concentration become imbalanced. With diabetes, the level of blood glucose increases, affecting the entire metabolism. Diabetes mellitus is becoming a leading disease in paediatric endocrinology, and causes health problems and complications that can shorten life expectancy. In Lithuania, cases of type 1 diabetes mellitus in children have been registered since 1983. More than 995 children and young people (up to 19 years of age) were registered in 2019. On average, more than 80 children are diagnosed with diabetes in the country per year. After 10–20 years, poorly controlled diabetes can cause damage not only to the endocrine system, but also to other bodily systems: it can cause the appearance of diabetic retinopathy, diabetic neuropathy, chronic kidney disease, cardiovascular diseases (stroke, ischemic heart disease, peripheral vascular diseases), infertility problems, and foot complications. Moreover, in order to keep glucose levels as optimal as possible, children with diabetes need daily insulin injections, as without them they are not able to survive. Diabetes mellitus becomes a challenge for the whole family, as the rhythm of family life changes and additional responsibilities to maintain the stability of the child’s health are assumed. In order to control the disease, children and their parents need information, skills and values that can be acquired in various educational environments. Research conducted in Lithuania and abroad is focused on the treatment of patients with diabetes, disease management, and the psychological problems experienced by parents who have learned about their child’s illness.Nonetheless, this topic has not been extensively studied from an educational perspective, and there is a lack of research that analyses the diversity of environments in which the health competences of children with diabetes mellitus can be developed. Researchers note that the involvement of children with diabetes in the process of health competence development as well as their acquisition of knowledge and skills depend on their educational environments. By providing educational functions, the shapers of educational environments convey knowledge regarding health competence, teach, offer advice and demonstrate the necessary skills, as well as form value attitudes that help children and their parents to achieve better control of the disease, which is the goal of secondary prevention. Thus, the diversity of environments for the development of health competences helps parents and their children to learn as much as possible about this chronic disease and acquire skills that enable them to properly manage its consequences. However, not all environments for the development of health competences encourage their development. Accordingly, this article aims to reveal the development of the health competences of children with diabetes mellitus in various environments. The research object is the development of the health competences of children with diabetes mellitus in various environments. The aim of the article is to reveal the development of the health competences of children with diabetes mellitus in various environments. Tasks: 1. Highlight the importance of the educational environment for education. 2) Identify environments for the development of children’s health competences. 3) Reveal how and in which environments children with diabetes mellitus develop health competences.Research questions: 1. What environments exist for the development of the health competences of children with diabetes mellitus? 2. What health competence aspects do children with diabetes mellitus develop in various environments? 3. Which educational environments are the most acceptable for children and why? Research methods. Theoretical – the analysis, summarization and systematization of scientific literature methods were used; empirical – the semi-structured interview method was used for data collection; the content analysis method was applied for the analysis of research data. Research context and participants. Semi-structured interviews with children with diabetes mellitus were conducted in the period from 5 February 2019 to 1 September 2021. Children were chosen because their health states depended on their health competences (knowledge, skills and value attitudes). In total, 7 children (4 girls and 3 boys) aged from 12 to 16 with diabetes mellitus agreed to participate in the qualitative research. The children had been diagnosed from 1 to 7 years ago and were selected according to the following criteria: 1) children with diabetes mellitus; 2) children with diabetes mellitus aged from 7 to 18 years. [...] Keywords: children, diabetes mellitus, educational environment, health competence. [From the publication]

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