Filologinis išprusimas kaip socializacijos veiksnys technologinio profilio gimnazijoje

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Filologinis išprusimas kaip socializacijos veiksnys technologinio profilio gimnazijoje
Alternative Title:
Philological education as a factor of socialization in technological high school
In the Journal:
Kultūra - Ugdymas - Visuomenė. 2005, Nr. 1, p. 46-53
Mokslinis ugdymas / Scientific education; Socializacija / Socialization.
Summary / Abstract:

LTŠiuolaikinėje visuomenėje vyksta intensyvūs bei dinamiški pokyčiai, kurie reikšmingi ir profesinio rengimo sistemoje. Naujų institucijų, kaip technologinio profilio gimnazijų, atsiradimas kelia ir naujus ugdymo uždavinius. Technologinio profilio gimnazijose šalia bendrojo išsilavinimo įgyvendinama ir vertybinė specialybių orientacija. Tai ypač svarbu, kad specialistas, kaip žmogus, rastų vietą gyvenime ir iš kitos pusės, pateisintų valstybės dedamas į jį viltis. Šis platesnis požiūris į ugdymą daro įtaką ir bendrojo lavinimo dalykų turinio pokyčiams technologinio profilio gimnazijose, akcentuojant ne tik mokinio žinojimo ir intelektualinių galių plėtotę, bet ir mokinio kultūringumą, kurio pamatai - geras lietuvių kalbos mokėjimas, gebėjimas pasinaudoti Europos ir viso pasaulio kultūros tezauru, kitaip tariant, siekiant moksleivių filologinio išprusimo. Straipsnyje pateikiama technologinio profilio gimnazijos samprata bei filologinio išprusimo reikšmingumas, siekiant moksleivių sėkmingos socializacijos. Atliekama aštuonių Lietuvos technologinio profilio gimnazijų moksleivių nuomonių analizė apie filologinio išprusimo kaip socializacijos veiksnio svarbą technologinio profilio gimnazijoje. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Technologinio profilio gimnazija; Filologinis išprusimas; Socializacija; Technological gymnasium; Educating in philology; Socialization.

ENThe authors analyse the main changes in the system of vocational training. The new technological gymnasiums are founded in Lithuania. The virtue orientation of specialities is being implemented besides general education in these gymnasiums. This wider atti-tude to education influences the change of the content of general education disciplines in technological gymnasiums. Not only the development of students' knowledge and intellectual capacities, but also students' culture is accentuated, because the bases of students' culture are good knowledge of the Lithuanian language, ability to use the cultural thesaurus of Europe and the whole world. In other words the aim of education in technological gymnasium also is students' education in philology. In the theoretical part of the article the authors present the conception of tec hno logical gymnasium, analyse the importance of educating in philology, seeking for successful socialization of students, emphasize main elements of educating in philology as a factor of socialization. The results of the research are presented in the second part. 436 second year students from eight Lithuanian technological gymnasiums took part in the interview. The following conclusions are presented: 1. Theoretical analysis brings to the statement that educating in philology could be active factor in the process of person's so-cialization. Educating in philology gives opportunity to orient oneself in the changing world of knowledge and technologies, empowers a person to compete in labour market and seek for higher life quality.2. The ideas of Lithuanian technological gymnasiums students, can be summed up as follows: - The students accentuate person's education, erudition, knowledge oflanguages, importance of knowledge, intellect and ability to communicate in the conception educating; - Discussing the conception educated person, students stress virtue orientation, connected with persons cultural education, and the need of knowledge and wider competence in the field of profession; - Defining educating in philology, the students particularly accentuate literacy, knowledge of correct native language, also knowledge of foreign language, ability to communicate and orientation in rhetoric; According to the students, the specialists, who finished his/her studies, first of all ought to know how to use information technologies, he/she should be communicable, interested in cultural life, respect permanent learning. The respondents think that nowadays high schools are able to prepare such specialist.

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