Штурм и оборона литовских замков в войнах с Тевтонским орденом (ХIII - начало ХV века)

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Rusų kalba / Russian
Штурм и оборона литовских замков в войнах с Тевтонским орденом (ХIII - начало ХV века)
Alternative Title:
Offense and defence of the Lithuanian castles in the 13th - early 15th centuries (during the fights with the Teutonic Order)
In the Journal:
Vēsture: avoti un cilvēki [History: sources and people]. 2013, 16, p. 367-376
Baltarusija (Belarus); Lietuva (Lithuania); Archeologiniai tyrinėjimai / Archaeological investigations; Gynyba. Karyba / Defence. Military science; Pilys. Tvirtovės. Bastėjos / Castles. Bastions. Fortresses.
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: 13 amžius; 14 amžius; 15 amžius; Ginkluotė; Gynyba; Gynybos linija; Kariniai konfliktai; Vokiečių Ordinas (Teutonic Order; Kryžiuočių ordinas); Lietuvos Didžioji Kunigaikštystė (LDK; Grand Duchy of Lithuania; GDL); Pilis; Pilių gynyba; Pilių puolimas; Vilnius; Vokiečių Ordinas (Teutonic Order; Kryžiuočių ordinas); Šturmas; 13-15 centuries; Armaments; Assault; Castle; Defence; Defense of castle; Line of defence; Lithuania; Military conflicts; Offense of castle; Vilnius.

ENCastles played a prominent role in the battles between the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Teutonic Order. In the 14th century, Lithuania had a castle system consisting of wooden castles on mounds, strengthened by stone castles. In the current territory of the Republic of Lithuania, there were 64 wooden castles dating back to the 13th through the early 15th centuries, and 6 stone castles. Together with the castles in the current territory of the Republic of Belarus, they formed the following 3 lines of defence: 2 of them in the epicenter of the country (neighbourhoods of Vilnius) and 1 in the western border marking Samogitia, along the river Nemunas up to the Upper Nemunas in the current territory of Belarus. Pressure was high for these defense systems and other castles. During the period of 1345-1377 alone, the Teutonic knights held some 100 marches (70 from Prussia and 30 from Livonia) to the Lithu- anian territory ñ on average 3 marches a year. Passive (located on the walls and towers) and passiveñactive (combined with thrust raids outside the castle territory) defenses have been distinguished. [From the publication]

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