Iš M. Mažvydo knygų: giesmė, jos vieta liturgijoje ir mokykloje

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Iš M. Mažvydo knygų: giesmė, jos vieta liturgijoje ir mokykloje
Alternative Title:
On books of Martynas Mažvydas: canto, its place in liturgy and school
In the Journal:
Lietuvos muzikologija [Lithuanian Musicology]. 2000, 1, p. 49-54
16 amžius; 17 amžius; Martynas Mažvydas; Čekijos Respublika (Czech Republic); Lietuva (Lithuania); Bažnyčia / Church; Giesmės ir giesmynai / Hymns and Hymnals; Krikščionybė. Teologija / Christianity. Theology; Religinė muzika / Religious music.
Summary / Abstract:

LTDarbo tikslas: nušviesti nežinomą, netyrinėtą Lietuvos muzikos istorijos tarpsnį. Tyrimo metodai: tradiciniai (aprašomasis, lyginamasis, retrospekcinis) istoriniuose darbuose naudojami metodai. Darbo naujumas ir originalumas: Lietuvoje reformacijos veikėjų įnašas į krašto muzikinį gyvenimą šiuo aspektu netyrinėtas. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Religinė muzika; Bažnytinė muzika; Reformacija; Protestantiškasis choralas; Giesmės; Liturgija; Martynas Mažvydas; Mažoji Lietuva; Istorija (XVI a.); Religious music; Church music; Reformation; Protestant chant; Sacred songs; Liturgy; Martynas Mažvydas; Minor Lithuania; History (16th c.).

ENThe article deals with the connotes, published in the 16th century first Lithuanian books. Referring to these books, "Catechismusa prasty szadei" (1547), "Gesmes Chrikszoniskas gedamas baßniczosu per Welikas ir Sekminias ik Aduenta" (1570), which were published in Königsberg, the importance of the cantos present in these books as well as their place in the church ceremonies of Lithuanian Lutheran community is being analysed. The role of separate cantos present in these books in Lithuanian educational training process is being examined as well. These books were prepared by Martynas Mažvydas, the initiator of Lithuanian written language. The attention should be drawn to the creativity of the compiler of these books of songs', as he selected purposefully cantos to Lithuanian books of songs, and virtually formed new, original books of songs. In the middle of the 16th century, cultural workers working in the sphere of Lithuanian written language translated cantos into Lithuanian from German, Polish and probably Czech books of songs, thus purposefully making a single-minded selection of books of songs. They paid particular attention to the church music reform propagated by Martin Luther, the main goal of which was to stir up the music art learning by pupils and their active participation in the learning and singing process of Lutheran choral songs both at school and during the church ceremonies. Mažvydas included a rather big number of school songs into his prepared books of songs only one four-part canto, assigned for the Latin language learning. Mažvydas sought to make church music of the weak Lithuanian communities closer to the variety of church music, strengthened in German church centres, as well as their professional performing. His books of songs became the basis for all the subsequent Lithuanian Lutheran books, published in the Lithuania Minor. [From the publication]

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