Priesagos -inis, -ė būdvardžių kirčiavimas rytų aukštaičių patarmėje

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Priesagos -inis, -ė būdvardžių kirčiavimas rytų aukštaičių patarmėje
Alternative Title:
Accentuation of adjectives with the suffix -inis, -ė in the subdialect of Eastern Aukštaitians
Liaudies kultūra / Folk culture; Kirčiavimas. Tartis. Akcentologija / Accent. Accentology; Tarmės. Dialektai. Dialektologija / Dialects. Dialectology; Žodžių daryba. Žodžio dalys / Word formation. Parts of a word.
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Rytų aukštaičiai; Priesagos -inis, -ė būdvardžiai; Kirčiavimas; Kirtis; Vediniai; Eastern Aukštaitian subdialect; Adjectives with the suffix -inis, -ė; Accentuation; Accent; Derivatives.

ENThe investigation devoted to accentuation of adjectives with the suffix -inis, -ė used in the subdialect of Eastern Aukštaitian is described in the article: it elucidates what accentuation patterns manifest themselves and how they conform with the norms of Standard Lithuanian. The investigation sought to provide at least a partial explanation for the variability of derivatives and fluctuations in the place of stress. The investigation results may help the Lithuanian standardisers evaluate the already validated norms and, if necessary, to adjust them. The subject of the investigation is stressed adjectives with the suffix -inis, -ė recorded in the area of the subdialect of Eastern Aukštaitian (in 179 points), which were included in the electronic version of the "Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language"; variants of this suffix with certain formants, namely, -tinis, -ė, -utinis, -ė, -atinis, -ė, -uotinis, -ė, -ūdinis, -ė, -ūninis, -ė, -ujinis, -ė were also added to the list of examples. A total of 1,106 examples were studied. The adjectives with the suffix -inis, -ė collected in the course of study were formed from different parts of speech. Most often - in 72.8 per cent of the examples - the base word is the noun, e.g. maldinis, -ė (: maldà 4, maldóms). The verb serves as the base word in 15.7 per cent of the examples, e.g. suvežtinis, -ė (: sùvežtas, -à 3b: suvèžti), the adjective accounts for 6.1 per cent of the examples, e.g. ploninis, -ė (: plónas, -à 3, ploniems, -óms); the prepositional construction, the numeral and the adverb constitute 2.2, 1.7 and 1.4 per cent of the examples, respectively, e.g. įšerdinis, -ė (: į + šerdis 4, šerdims), šešinis, -ė (: šeši, šẽšios 4, šešiems, -ióms), atgalinis, -ė (: atgal).Accentuation of the adjectives with the suffix -inis, -ė is defined by two rules: the derivatives whose base words in the dative plural form have a stress in the penultimate syllable are stressed in the antepenultimate syllable, i.e. according to the 1st accent paradigm, e.g. viẽtinis, -ė (: vietà 2, viẽtoms); the derivatives whose base words in the dative plural form have a stress in the final or in the antepenultimate (preantepenultimate) syllable are stressed in the suffix, i.e. according to the 2nd accent paradigm, e.g. ilginis, -ė (: ilgas, -à 3, ilgiems, -óms), amerikinis, -ė (: Amèrika 1). About 3 per cent of the adjectives with the suffix -inis, -ė are stressed irregularly; yet other 7 per cent of them are stressed in two ways: both in the stem and in the suffix, though the base word has no accentual variants. The investigation shows that meanings can differentiate accentuation of the derivatives with the suffix -inis, -ė: the stress of the suffix often brings out the meaning of the material (what the thing is made of, manufactured from), the purpose or even resemblaness. Accordingly, there is a tendency to accentuate those adjectives with the suffix -inis, -ė in the root, which name new, unusual realities. Analogy most probably influences the generalisation of the stress in the stem or the suffix: accentuation of the words, which are used synonymously (e.g. derivatives with the suffix -iškas, -a), as well as the geographical position of the local dialect: peripherality, linguistic isolation. [From the publication]

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