Socialiai apleistų 7-11 m. vaikų teigiamo savęs vertinimo ugdymas šokiu

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Socialiai apleistų 7-11 m. vaikų teigiamo savęs vertinimo ugdymas šokiu
Alternative Title:
Positive self-esteem development in socially neglected 7-11 year old children by the means of dance
Mokytojų ugdymas / Teacher education; Ugdymas / Education; Vaikai / Children.
Summary / Abstract:

LTSocialiai apleistų vaikų prastas savęs vertinimas dažnai yra problemiško ar asocialaus elgesio priežastis. Socialiai apleistų vaikų neigiamą savęs vertinimą formuoja visapusiškai skurdi artimiausia aplinka, ypač tėvų nesirūpinimas baziniais vaiko poreikiais. Siekiant skatinti socialiai apleistų vaikų pasitikėjimą savimi, ieškoma kuo įvairesnių socialinės pedagogikos pagalbos būdų. Straipsnio tikslas - atskleisti šokio panaudojimo galimybes stiprinant teigiamą socialiai apleistų (7-11 m.) vaikų savęs vertinimą. Pristatomas natūralus eksperimentas, kurio tikslas - įgyvendinti ugdomąją šokio programą, siekiant stiprinti socialiai apleistų teigiamą savęs vertinimą. Tyrimas parodė, kad šokio programoje dalyvausiu vaikų savęs vertinimas pakito: vaikai tapo iniciatyvesni, drąsesni, labiau linkę bendradarbiauti, sumažėjo vaikų nerimastingumas, konfliktiškumas. Dauguma vaikų įveikė bendravimo sunkumus. Išgyvendami teigiamas emocijas vaikai tapo aktyvesni, labiau pradėjo orientuotis į sėkmę. Tai požymiai, rodantys, kad socialiai apleistų vaikų pozityvus savęs vertinimas sustiprėjo jiems dalyvaujant šokio programoje. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Socialiai apleisti vaikai; Teigiamas savęs vertinimas; Ugdymas šokiu; Dance; Education by dance; Positive self-esteem; Socially neglected children.

ENSocially neglected children is a specific group with its own features and problems. The questionnaire given to 40 dance teachers showed that socially neglected children, encountered in their work, usually demonstrate problems like tidiness, heavy behaviour, withdrawal, mistrust, self-esteem. Dance teachers agree with a statement that dance could be an effective means to build self-esteem of socially neglected children and they actually do pay attention to this aspect in their work. Many scholars wrote on art education: V. Matonis (2000), V. Kazragytė (2002), A. Katinienė (1998), E. Velička (2002), Z. S. Petrikienė (2002), J. Kievišas (2000), A. Bytautienė (2000), R. Oginskaitė (2000) and others. Social dance way and dance therapy is researched by Banes S (1994), Dürkheim E. (1994), Freeman W. J (1997), Jones D. (2001), Rudestam К (1999), Kopitina A. I. (2001), Labunskaja V. A. Skurko T. A. (1999), Nikitin V. N. (1998). The issue, how to build self-esteem in socially neglected children with the help of dance, has not been researched in Lithuania. For this reason in this paper the problem how to use dance in order to build positive self-esteem in socially neglected children is looked at. In the research the characteristics of building positive self-esteem in 7-11 year old children by the means of dance has been studied. Research methods used in the work: natural experiment (dance program), situation modeling, observation, questionnaire, test, interview, video analysis, case analysis, qualitative and quantitative analysis.The research was done in the NGO Centre of Spiritual Help for the Youth in the program “Sraigė”. The Dance program (experiment) lasted 15 sessions, one session a week, one hour long. 8 children participated in it. Children’s self-esteem was measured before and after the experiment, the results of the research were compared, change was recorded, an impact of dance to self-esteem of the group researched was analysed. The research demonstrated positive changes in social skills, initiative, anxiety, and relationships. While experiencing positive emotions children became more active. Those are sign showing that self-esteem of socially neglected children improved. While working on positive self-esteem of socially neglected children, it is important to choose carefully tasks for dance classes, otherwise dance could have no positive effect on the self esteem or even make it worse. In order to work on the problems of socially neglected children it is necessary for dance teachers to work more on their knowledge of special pedagogy, psychology; it is important to look’ for new forms of work, more collaborate, exchange information with the other teachers in school, to examine more specific causes of problems with those children. [From the publication]

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