Vilniaus vaivados Kazimiero Jono Sapiegos herbinė aplikacija

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Vilniaus vaivados Kazimiero Jono Sapiegos herbinė aplikacija
Alternative Title:
Armorial applique of Kazimieras Jonas Sapiega, Palatine of Vilnius
In the Journal:
Lietuvos dailės muziejaus metraštis [LDM metraštis]. 2007, t. 10, p. 114-127
Kazimieras Jonas Sapiega, 1637-1720 (Kazimierz Jan Sapieha); Sapiegos (Sapiega family); Vilnius. Vilniaus kraštas (Vilnius region); Lietuva (Lithuania); Apsauga ir restauravimas / Preservation and restoration; Genealogija. Heraldika / Genealogy. Heraldry.
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Giminės; Herbinė aplikacija; Kazimieras Jonas Sapiega; Lietuvos Didžioji Kunigaikštystė (LDK; Grand Duchy of Lithuania; GDL); Meno istorija; Restauravimas; Sapiegos (Sapiega family); Tekstilė; Vilnius; Armorial Applique; Art history; Families; Kazimieras Jonas Sapiega; Restoration; Textile; The Great Duchy of Lithuania; Vilnius.

ENDue to the organizers of the jubilee exhibition Christianity in Lithuanian Art a fabric piece created in a rare applique technique was discovered in the Church of St. Peter and Paul in Vilnius. The materials employed in the work reveal the development of crafts in the GDL and the trade relations with other countries. In this work the greatest attention is paid to the work of craftsmen, the employed materials and the analysis of the fulfilment technique. A short discussion is devoted to the importance of the coat of arms of the patron Kazimieras Jonas Sapiega depicted in the application. The author states that the problems related to the restoration of the armorial applique and the history of their solution can be characterized by several sentences: a great many hours spent at work, traditional textile restoration processes until the decayed fabric again becomes a splendid, several ages-old history monument. The restoration of the applique made the author think about the works created by ordinary people, those that survived through long centuries, saw honour and experienced oblivion. After the restoration, the author understood that she had participated in a kind of several ages-long craft lesson until relying on her textilist’s profession managed to read an illegible monogram. Unfortunately, it does not bear the master’s initials. Without understanding the patron’s merits to Fatherland, the author of the publication advises to interpret the armorial applique of Kazimieras Jonas Sapiega, Palatine of Vilnius, as a unique work of applied art. [From the publication]

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