Profesinio orientavimo, konsultavimo ir informavimo vadyba vidurinėje mokykloje

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Profesinio orientavimo, konsultavimo ir informavimo vadyba vidurinėje mokykloje
Alternative Title:
Management of vocational training, consulting and information providing in comprehensive school
In the Journal:
Edukacinės studijos. 2008, 3, p. 52-60
Pagrindinis ugdymas / Basic Secondary Education; Profesinis rengimas / Vocational training.
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Profesijos pasirinkimas; Profesinio informavimo sistemos; Profesinis orientavimas; Profesinis rengimas, profesinis konsultavimas, profesinis informavimas; Vidurinė mokykla; Career choice; Comprehensive school; Proviching; Vocational information systems; Vocational training; Vocational training, vocational consulting, vocational information.

ENThe profesion's pick is the most significance task during adolescence and juvenescence. This profesion's pick has a strong influence for all person's life. According to professor L. Jovaiša (1999) the profesion's pick is multifold act and permanent process. Article analyzes career planning and it's influence on youth. Research data is analyzed in the article as well. According to research data, with the wide information about professions, the teachers au not qualified enough in this area. Career counseling at school must help teenagers to choose the studies, profession work area. Professional counseling should as well be carried out at vocational and high education institutions, checking out awn choices and never stop after starting the career. Later on, career planning would help to choose vocational studies and trainings, thus acquiring new competences and skills and if needed, changing the profession. Organizing career counseling at school, it is necessary to concentrate all institutions which could help to get wider information about professional choice and content. One of the factors is cooperating with parents and their support analysting child's abilities and interests. [From the publication]

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