Tvarumas, darnumas, tausumas ir kiti angl. 'sustainability' atitikmenys Europos Sąjungos institucijų dokumentuose

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Tvarumas, darnumas, tausumas ir kiti angl. 'sustainability' atitikmenys Europos Sąjungos institucijų dokumentuose
Alternative Title:
'Tvarumas', 'darnumas', 'tausumas' and other equivalents of the term 'sustainability' in the documents of EU institutions
In the Journal:
Terminologija. 2015, 22, p. 110-126
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Terminai; Europos Sąjungos institucijų dokumentai; Darnus vystymasis; Tvarumas; Darnumas; Darna; Aplinkos apsauga; Terms; Sustainability; Documents of EU institutions; Terminology.

ENSustainable development is a long-term ideology of societal development that is based on three principles – economic development, social development and environmental protection. The term sustainability is closely related to this ideology. In this article Lithuanian equivalents of the term sustainability are analyzed according to form, meaning and usage. Analysis of more than 450 cases of the usage of the English term sustainability shows, that this term has several Lithuanian equivalents, of which the most common are the nouns 'tvarumas', 'darnumas', 'darna', 'tausumas'. Often semantic content of the noun sustainability is expressed by the adjectives tvarus, darnus, tausus. Other equivalents are synonyms of the most common terms: terms which have borrowed or other Lithuanian root, derivative and gramatical synonyms, words or their combinations with similar meanings. Equivalents denote any principle of the ideology of sustainable development (economic, social development and environmental protection) or the ideology itself. In most cases the entirety of principles is denoted by equivalents tvarumas, tvarus, less frequently – by 'darnumas', 'darna', 'darnus'. The equivalent 'tvarumas' is often used to name durability, stability. The equivalent 'tausumas' usually denotes principles of moderate consumption or care of environment. In some cases different Lithuanian equivalents are used to name different features of the same phenomena. The abundance of Lithuanian equivalents appeared due to polysemy of the English term, absence of one common Lithuanian term covering all characteristics of the meaning, unclearness of the concept, emphasis of the different aspects of the concept, variation of equivalents of the related term sustainable development. [From the publication]

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