Istorikai ir filmai: istoriografijos raida ir prieigų kaita

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Istorikai ir filmai: istoriografijos raida ir prieigų kaita
Alternative Title:
Historians and films: development of historiography and the shift of approaches
In the Journal:
Acta Academiae Artium Vilnensis [AAAV]. 2012, t. 64, p. 189-202. Vizualioji kultūra: problemos ir interpretacijos
Istoriografija / Historiography; Kinas / Cinema.
Summary / Abstract:

LTPublikacijos tikslas - pristatyti tarptautinės istoriografijos raidą, kurios dėmesio centre yra filmų tyrimai istorinėje perspektyvoje. Istorikų siūloma prieigų kaita apžvelgiama siekiant aktualinti panašaus pobūdžio tyrimus Lietuvoje, įtraukiant istorijos mokslo ir disciplinų, susijusių su filmų istorija, filmų studijomis, siūlymus. Straipsnyje nagrinėjama, jog aktyvus istorikų bendruomenės domėjimasis filmais suaktyvėjo XX a. 7-8 dešimtmečiais, o gvildentos problemos tampa aktualiomis šių dienų lietuvių istorikų bei filmų tyrimais besidominčiai akademinei bendruomenei. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Filmų istorija; Istorinis filmas; Istoriografija; Istoriofotija; Kontekstiniai tyrimai; Film history; Historical film; Historiography; Historiophoty; Contextual research.

ENThe aim of this publication is to present developments in international historiography, looking into the research of films from a historical perspective. The change of approaches suggested by historians is reviewed, aiming to update similar research in Lithuania, involving the suggestions by history studies and other study programmes related to film history and research. This is undertaken with the consideration that the local academic historians' community has not sufficiently valued film research and its possibilities - film research has been a rather one sided affair. Films and TV productions are used to influence historic and historical images and to publicise history. At the same time the first research on historical representation in TV and cinema, factual and feature films is being carried out. But these isolated efforts have researched only history and its representation, leaving out the wider perspectives. In understanding this the article presents the main developments influencing film research from a historical perspective: "prc-scientific", whose echoes are also felt in contemporary work (Bolesław Matuschewski, Siegfried Kracaeur), the movement "films and history" (Paul Smith), sources of the "Paris school" (Marc Ferro), postmodern turn (Robert A. Rosenstone, Hyden White, John O'Connor and others) and elements of the most up to date research. The article states that the research of films by historians gathers speed in the 1960s and 1970s and the scrutinised problems become significant to the Lithuanian historians and the academic community who are interested in film research. [From the publication]

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