Pradinių klasių moksleivių kūrybiškumo ugdymas muzikine veikla

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Pradinių klasių moksleivių kūrybiškumo ugdymas muzikine veikla
Alternative Title:
Possibilities of using creative methods in musical activity
In the Journal:
Jaunųjų mokslininkų darbai. 2006, Nr. 4 (11), p. 66-76
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Kūrybiškumas; Kūrybiškumo metodai; Muzikinė veikla; Pradinių klasių mokiniai; Pradinės klasės; Ugdymas; Creative methods; Creativity; Education; Musical activity; Primary forms; Pupils of primary classes.

ENAccording to a Lithuanian philosopher A. Maceina (1992), creativeness is „the basis of our life, its beginning and end, its alfa and omega" (1992, p. 419). Creativeness depends on different factors, the main are social background and activity. Micro surroundings such as family, kindergarten, school, and job have a direct influence on personal creativeness but the main thing in students' creativeness is their close relationship with teachers and friends. Creativeness can be formed and developed if a person is active and has auspicious conditions for activity. In order to develop students' skills and enrich their knowledge of creative activity a teacher must be creative and use the latest and newest methods of teaching. Nowadays a teacher must know how to choose and use different ways and methods in his/her work and how these methods help him/her to put everything into practice. A teacher must know why he/she uses this or that method of teaching, whether this method is suitable for a particular lesson, tasks, and work style. In junior forms a teacher should change and use different creative methods according to students' skills, habits, and characters. These methods should meet the requirements of a democratic school. Relying on scientists' different opinions, it would be possible to say that music is a form of art, which reaches the bottom of one's heart, therefore it should be used in the whole process of up bringing. Children of all age like musical creativeness, it is the sphere where they can show their skills. The object is methods stimulating interest in creativeness. An increasing interest in creativeness confirms the aim of this research. A music teacher takes responsibility to bring up a creative personality.Theoretical and practical meaning of this study is to emphasize the importance of creativeness in the process of teaching, revealing what active methods are most effective teaching children in primary forms. The aim is to identify which methods are most useful and available in developing creative activities in grades I-IV. analyze theoretical aspects of using creative methods for grades I-IV in developing children's musical activity. To reveal music teacher's viewpoints on creativeness in musical activities. Research sample (N = 48) is primary form music teachers from Panevėžys secondary schools. The theoretical part of this work focuses on the basis of developing creative skills in musical activity: specific features, essence, use of creative activity in developing a personality, methods and possibilities of developing skills and habits in junior grade schoolchildren. The practical part focuses on the use of different creative methods in lessons and out of class activities. The methods teachers use in musical activity, organization of this activity, teachers' and students' opinions, the analysis and the results are shown in this part of the work. [From the publication]

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