Lietuvos etninių grupių kultūrinių vertybių tyrimas

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Lietuvos etninių grupių kultūrinių vertybių tyrimas
Alternative Title:
Lithuanian ethnic groups and their cultural values
In the Journal:
Organizacijų vadyba: sisteminiai tyrimai [Management of Organizations: Systematic Research]. 2002, Nr. 24, p. 161-170
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje kultūros poveikio vartotojų elgsenai dėsningumai nagrinėjami dviem skirtingais požiūriais: antropologiniu ir kultūrinės psichologijos požiūriu. Remiantis moksliniu (Peter ir Olson, 1998) marketingo komunikacijos, vyraujančios kultūrinių vertybių sistemos ir vartotojo elgsenos sąveikos modeliu, iškeliama hipotezė, kuriai patikrinti, taikant Q-sort metodą, naudojamasi atlikto empirinio Lietuvos gyventojų kultūrinių vertybių tyrimo rezultatais. Straipsnio pabaigoje pateikiami tyrimo rezultatai ir formuluojamos išvados. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Kultūrinės vertybės; Kultūros poveikio tyrimai; Vartotojų elgsena; Cultural values; Influence of culture; Consumer behaviour.

ENIn this article the manifestations of culture influence on the consumer behaviour is analysed. First analysis question is consumers' behaviour, stipulated by anthropological and cultural psychology approaches. An individual's behaviour is a result of that individual's cultural value system, which includes such elements as cognition, affect and behaviour. Culture affects consumer behaviour, which itself may reinforce the manifestations (values, heroes, rituals and symbols) of culture (Peter and Olson, 1998; Hofstede, 1997). Thus, each ethnic group possesses different cultural manifestations. Marketers' actions serve as a vehicle to transfer meanings or values from the culturally constituted world to consumer goods (McCracken, 1996), so marketing communications are represented as a moderator of the effect of culture on consumer behaviour. At the same time, marketing communications may also affect culture manifestations through advertising. Of course, marketing communication can affect consumer behaviour independent of culture. The values have a central role amongst the other manifestations of culture and that the relationship between these and values is characterised by a mutual influence (Peter and Olson, 1998). Hence, symbols generally express cultural values. Through consumption rituals, consumer goods become symbols of cultural values. At the same time, symbols reinforce values, or may even shift them.Hypothesis about the cultural value differences of ethnic groups, based on the scientific (Peter and Olson, 1998) conceptions is formulated. In order to examine it Q-sort scaling method was adapted in the last section of this article. The generalisation of cultural values of Lithuanian people research results let us determine that. The same ten cultural values are common to all ethnic groups: family orientation, social recognition, risk taking, power and richness, freedom, physical and financial security, work, health, true friendship and adaptability. Thus, we can conclude that there are no significant differences among ethnic groups. Because values have the central role among the other manifestations of culture and the relationship between these and values is characterised by a mutual influence (peter and Olson, 1998), an assumption that equal values determine the equal approach to the brands is done. According to the raised assumption we can confirm that an approach of Lithuanian people to brands not depend on the ethnic group therefore to differentiate marketing actions to the different ethnic groups is not purposeful. [From the publication]

1392-1142; 2335-8750
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