Andragogo tinklaveikos teorinės įžvalgos

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Andragogo tinklaveikos teorinės įžvalgos
Alternative Title:
Theoretical insights into andragogues’ networking
In the Journal:
Andragogika. 2011, Nr. 2, p. 113-125
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje pateikiamos ir analizuojamos andragogo tinklaveikos teorinės įžvalgos: tinklaveikos samprata, esmė, charakteristikos, įvertinant andragogo vaidmenį besikeičiančioje visuomenėje, pereinant iš industrinės į tinklaveikos visuomenę. Išskiriami andragogo tinklaveikai būdingi veiksniai, teikiant suaugusiam besimokančiajam paramą, pagalbą, žvelgiant į suaugusiųjų švietimo kaitos perspektyvas, įvertinant, kad ateityje daugės tinklinių iniciatyvų, kis andragogo vaidmuo, plėsis virtuali komunikacija ir mokymasis įvairiose aplinkose bus grindžiamas bendradarbiavimu tinkluose. Straipsnyje pateikiama tolesnio tyrimo perspektyva, empiriškai pagrindžiant andragogo tinklaveikos veiksnius pagalbos ir paramos besimokančiajam srityje, laiduojant sėkmingą jo veiklą. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Tinklaveika, andragogas, tinklas, tinklaveikos visuomenė, socialinis kapitalas; Tinklaveika, andragogas, tinklas, tinklaveikos visuomenė,Socialinis kapitalas; Networking, andragog, network, network society, social capital; Networking, andragogues, net, network society, social capital.

ENThe article highlights that the characteristics of social networking may be expressed in the andragogues' activities, thus the extent of andragogue's participation in networking could indicate professionalism revealing his (her) capacity to develop a social capital. There is the issue analyzed that institutional networks in the field of education are understood to be a specific co-operation by several organizations designed to achieve joint objectives and added value for the individual participants. Personal networks are an organizational answer to the complexity of needs of andragogues - professionals. The experts make technical knowledge available to one another and promote the transfer of know-how and advances in decision making and responsibility. There is no scientific research found on the subject mentioned above, thus we arise the problematic question: what factors of networking within andragogues' professional group determine their excellence. The article object: andragogue and networking. The aim of the article: to justify theoretically the essence of the andragogues' networking concept, main characteristics, factors that ensure successful activities and envisage the prospect of the further research.The article consists of five chapters defining mainly: 1) the networking concept and main characteristics, 2) the andragogue's role in changing society: transition from the industry to the networking society, 3) andragogue and social capital development, 4) the challenging complexity of lifelong learning phenomena, 5) prospective research on the andragogue's networking factors that ensure success in the sphere of support/help in adult learning. [From the publication]

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