Lietuvos estetikos istorija : Apšvietos epocha

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knyga / Book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Lietuvos estetikos istorija: Apšvietos epocha
Publication Data:
Vilnius : Versus aureus, 2011.
176 p
Bibliografija išnašose ir asmenvardžių rodyklė.
Preliudija (vietoj pratarmės) — Įvadas — Apšvietos epochos parametrai — Paradoksų amžius — Apšvietos epochos chronologija ir dinamika — Nuo pragmatinės filosofijos iki angažuoto meno — Švietėjiškoji estetika Europoje ir Lietuvoje — Klasicizmo estetikos sklaida — Klasicizmas ir barokas — Juozapas Bareika — Estetinės koncepcijos literatūros ir estetikos katedroje — Vilniaus meno mokyklos profesorių estetinės pažiūros — Neklasicistinės estetikos užuomazgos — Estetinė mintis už universiteto sienų — Apšvietos epochos estetinės minties geografija — Estetinė mintis XIX a. pradžioje: Euzebijus Slovackis ir Leonas Borovskis — Euzebijus Slovackis: akademizmo ir antitradicionalizmo konfrontacija — Preromantikas Leonas Borovskis — Resume — Asmenvardžių rodyklė.
Summary / Abstract:

LTMonografijoje analizuojama XVIII a. Lietuvos estetinė kultūra, siekiant išryškinti jos, kaip vientisos sistemos struktūrinius pagrindus, išryškinant jų sąsajas su Apšvietos epochos estetika kitose šalyse. Traktuojant XVIII a. kaip platesnės istorinės epochos baigiamąją stadiją, mėginama paaiškinti šios struktūros savitumus bei jų genezės ypatybes. Aptariamos XVIII a. estetinės kultūros ištakos, jos sklaidos dinamika bei ritmika, jos išsiskyrimas iš Europinio konteksto. Pristatomi pagrindiniai jos veikėjai, kurių dauguma šiuo laikotarpiu atstovauja klasicizmo estetikai, apžvelgiamos taip pat ir opozicinės klasicizmui tendencijos, į laikotarpio pabaigą subrandinusios naują - preromantizmo dominante.

ENThe book analyses the development, structure and character of the aesthetics, arts and culture in Europe and Lithuania in the period of Enlightenment, traces their place in the history as the whole. In the first chapter the parameters of the period of Enlightenment the main intellectual tendencies and ideas of the 18th century - The Age of Enlightenment - as well as their cultural particularity are reviewed. […] In the first paragraph of the second chapter the development of Aesthetics of Classicism the features of Baroque and Classicism and their relations are surveyed. The system of the structure of arts is analyzed using the principle of unity of oppositions. There is an attempt to reveal philosophical premises which affects the aesthetical culture and reflection on arts at this period. Second paragraph is devoted for the consideration of ideas of Juozapas Bareika (Józef Borejko). He is considered to be a pioneer of the Enlightenment in the history of aesthetics in Lithuania. In his work The Art of Rhetoric Bareika coherently supports the pragmatic attitude, discusses the tasks of the rhetoric: how one should educate a man, promote the patriotism, the conscious citizen of the country. […]. The third paragraph presents the concepts of aesthetics at the Department of Rhetoric and Poetry at Vilnius University. The establishment of this Department at the end of the 18th century starts a new period in Lithuanian aesthetical thinking. The most prominent representative of this Department - David Pilkowski (Dovydas Pilkauskas) - elaborated the ideas of Bareika.The evolution of this Bareika-Pilkauskas trend in aesthetics is analyzed here. Pilkowski has stressed an importance of use of native language, outlined the need to teach students how to translate correctly into polish the texts of Antiquity, how to preach orations in polish, expressed himself against the baroque oratory, its pompous, "fluffy" and noisy style, suggesting that the main elements of perfect rhetoric should be clarity, seriousness and ornateness. […] The third chapter The Outset of Non-classicist Aesthetics examines the aesthetic ideas developed outside the academic sphere, presents aesthetical attitudes of Praneikus Boguas (Franciszek Bohusz), Povilas Bžostauskas (Pawel Brzostowski), Jokūbas Jasinskis (Jakub Jasiński). The aesthetical thinking outside the university has been more inclined towards anti rationalism. Bžostaukas specially appreciated Italian academicism, celebrated the Christian art contrasting it with an art which borrows themes from the mythology of Antiquity, especially if it pictures nudities. The main criterion of art for this kind of strategy is a morality. Bogušas has many things in common with Bžostauskas - his main goal is the education and promotion of the society, he is less interested in theoretical questions, uses his travel impressions and the material collected during his trips. When analyzing individual works of art he makes an appeal to the aesthetical taste, supports an anti-rationalist approach and tends to celebrate nature and naturalism. […]. [From the publication]

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