Savanorystė socialinių gebėjimų ugdymo koncepcijoje

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Savanorystė socialinių gebėjimų ugdymo koncepcijoje
Alternative Title:
Volunteering in the conception of social skills education
In the Journal:
Soter. 2010, 33 (61), p. 79-92
Socialinis ugdymas / Social education.
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje analizuojamas socialinių gebėjimų įgijimas savanoriškoje veikloje. Autorės aptaria socialinius gebėjimus ir savanorystę, kaip artimo meilės išraišką. Tyrimo rezultatai atskleidė, kad savanoriai savanoriškoje veikloje daugiausia įgyja bendravimo, bendradarbiavimo ir mokymosi iš kitų socialinių gebėjimų. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Artimo meilė; Savanorystė; Socialiniai gebėjimai; Neighbour's love; Social skills; Volunteering.

ENVoluntary activity always played an important role in every civilization and society. During the history of the Catholic Church, religious communities were the first to take care of public education, treatment and social welfare. Thousands of religious created and worked in the voluntary health and education system. They created hospitals to the poor, orphans and single mothers shelters. They well understood Christ's words, "whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me." (Mt 25:40). The role of voluntary action in our society is increasing. Voluntary activity at both national and international level is closely linked to active citizenship, the core of democracy. Voluntary activities - it is an opportunity for everyone, regardless of gender, race, nationality, religion, political belief, age or health, to use their skills and experience, gain new skills, make friends, engage in work and change the social life of the country. Voluntary activities promote personal development, expand social benefits, general human capacity - it is time for the benefit of other activities and the opportunity to educate themselves, improve their personal, professional and social competencies. Volunteering is one of the ways in which different nationalities, religions, social and economic environment and people can affect positive change.A changing society, people's social skills are becoming particularly important. Greater opportunity to adapt to new environment, extend successful participation in the area of lifelong learning. Non-governmental organizations are great opportunities for people of different age engage in learning through volunteering, to realize their talents, share ideas, values, to communicate. The Church is called to love and serve people. That is her duty and inalienable right. It cherishes sympathy for the sick and the poor and charitable activities to help people. Volunteering is one of the ways in which different nationalities, religions, social and economic environment and the people can affect positive change. Voluntary activities promote personal development, expand social benefits, the general human capacity - it is time to benefit from other activities and the opportunity to educate themselves, improve personal, professional and social competencies. The survey revealed that the majority of volunteers are young people 21-25 years of age. During the voluntary activities of non-governmental organizations the following social skills are mainly acquired: communication, cooperation and learning from other people. During the voluntary activities of non-governmental organizations are at least acquired a project of writing, leadership skills, and resistance to stress. Most of the respondents say that they acquired "a lot" and "very much" of valid values, social skills and knowledge in the non-governmental organizations. [text from author]

1392-7450; 2335-8785
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2018-12-17 12:43:50
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