Funkcionalių vietos bendruomenių veiklą sąlygojantys veiksniai

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Funkcionalių vietos bendruomenių veiklą sąlygojantys veiksniai
Alternative Title:
Factors determining the activity of functional local communities
In the Journal:
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje analizuojama bendruomeniškumo tema išskiriant vieną segmentų - funkcionalias vietos bendruomenes. Pristatomi atlikti tyrimai, kuriais siekiama nustatyti veiksnius, kurie daro įtaką vietos bendruomenės funkcionalumui Lietuvos miesteliuose ir kaimuose. Paaiškėjo, kad tai vietos valdžia (seniūnija), bažnyčia (parapija), mokykla, kultūros įstaigos, fizinis žmogaus saugumas ir socialinė pagalba. Taip pat analizuojama, kokie vadybiniai veiksmai gali prisidėti prie vietos bendruomenės funkcionalumo viename įtakingiausių veiksnių - vietos valdžia (seniūnija). [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Funkcionali vietos bendruomenė; Valdžia; Vietos bendruomenė; Vietos valdžia; Factor, actions; Functional local community; Government; Local community.

ENThe article analyses the topic of sociality that is currently important in the public policy of Lithuania. The research problem is that nowadays, while a lot of attention is given to sociality and formalized communities, the reasons of sociality in local communities are not discussed extensively enough. Local communities in towns and villages will not become functional unless factors that determine sociality and performed actions will be identified. The article aims to show that systemic managerial actions performed in certain circumstances may contribute to the functionality of local communities of Lithuanian towns and villages. Two problems are tackled; one of them concerns the identification of the factors that influence local communities, and another problem concerns the identification of the system of certain actions, important for the functionality of local communities in the factor that is most important to the functionality of local communities - local authorities (townships). The research performed in 2001 and 2006 identified the most important factors that influence the functionality of local communities the most. The identified factors were the following: local authorities (townships), church (the parish), school, cultural institutions, personal physical safety and social relief. Since local authorities - townships - are the most influential factor in the opinion of the respondents, more thorough analysis of them is performed, and also a system of actions that can be taken by local authorities (townships) is presented.The system consists of the following components: employees of township involve people from local communities in the performance of their functions; proactiveness of the head of township when forming deliberative township councils; resources are allotted in the municipal budget for local community projects; there is an employee in the administration of the municipality who coordinates community initiatives; township employees encourage local communities to prepare development plans for their localities; people of local communities systematically assess functions of township; coordinative meetings of the CC take place at the municipality; representatives (provided for in the Law on Self-Governance) of the populated locality have more rights; the elder is a member of the committee of local communities; participation of politicians from the municipality and administration executives in events of local communities and stimulation of their activities. Nevertheless, it appeared that most actions were not taken. Therefore, functionality of local communities at Lithuanian villages and towns is poor. [From the publication]

1648-9098; 2424-337X
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2018-12-17 12:38:08
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