Metodologinės įžvalgos apie edukacinį konsultavimą skatinant paauglių fizinį aktyvumą

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Metodologinės įžvalgos apie edukacinį konsultavimą skatinant paauglių fizinį aktyvumą
Alternative Title:
Methodological insights into educational consulting in promotion of physical activity among adolescents
In the Journal:
Pedagogika. 2009, 96, p. 83-87
Fizinis ugdymas / Physical education.
Summary / Abstract:

LTSiekiant asmenybės sveikatos ir geros fizinės būklės visą. gyvenimą, ieškomos formos bei metodai, skatinantys paauglio fizinį aktyvumą. Populiarėjant kognityvinio poveikio metodams, kūno kultūros veikloje pritaikytas edukacinio konsultavimo metodas. Straipsnyje atskleidžiama edukacinio konsultavimo taikymo esminiai metodologiniai bruožai. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Trumpalaikis konsultavimas; Paaugliai; Fizinis aktyvumas; Brief counselling; Adolescent; Physical activity.

ENThere is hardly any doubt that the physical and psychical welfare of humans is strongly related with physical activeness. Overview of explorations concerning physical education at school demonstrates that from the historical perspective, school physical education programs were not adequately related with the habits of healthy lifestyle, physical activeness and health [23]. In the process of alteration of educational paradigms which influences physical education at school, when seeking individual health and good fitness throughout the life, forms and methods promoting the physical activity of adolescents have been sought for. As methods of cognitive impact have been getting more and more popular, in the process of physical education development, the methodology of Solution focused brief therapy as developed by de Schazer (1985) has been applied; it should be treated as a means of union between the promotion of physical activity and health care within physical education at school. An inductive presupposition is developed stating that the physical activity of adolescents may be promoted by applying educational consulting. The aim of this article is to reveal the characteristics o f the method of educational consulting as a way of promoting physical activity of a personality. The concept of the method Educational consulting is created on the basis of short-term solution-oriented consulting [29].The method of Educational consulting may enrich the process of physical education development at school, because possesses clearly and precisely specified educational technologies and is based on ideas of positive psychology as well as on the cognitive attitude to learning: active processes, cooperation, application of knowledge in a novel environment (transference of whatever has been learnt), emphasis on the social context, underlining the individuality of the trainee as an expert of his / her individual situation. [From the publication]

1392-0340; 2029-0551
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