Pilies kalno šiaurinės papėdės užstatymo raida pagal archeologinių tyrimų duomenis

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Pilies kalno šiaurinės papėdės užstatymo raida pagal archeologinių tyrimų duomenis
Alternative Title:
Development of an erection of the north foot of the castle hill by the data of archaeological investigations
In the Book:
Vilniaus Žemutinė pilis XIV a. - XIX a. pradžioje : 2005-2006 m. tyrimai. Vilnius: Pilių tyrimo centras "Lietuvos pilys", 2007. P. 159-181
11 amžius; 12 amžius; 13 amžius; 14 amžius; 15 amžius; 16 amžius; 17 amžius; 18 amžius; 19 amžius; 20 amžius; Lietuva (Lithuania); Vilnius. Vilniaus kraštas (Vilnius region); Archeologiniai tyrinėjimai / Archaeological investigations; Kapinynai. Pilkapiai / Barrow. Burials; Pilys. Tvirtovės. Bastėjos / Castles. Bastions. Fortresses.
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje supažindinama su 2003 m. senojo Arsenalo kieme vykusių archeologinių tyrimų rezultatais, kurie leidžia patikslinti kai kurių Arsenalo pastatų lokalizaciją ir chronologiją. Taip pat rasti keturi medinio užstatymo horizontai, kurių dendrochronologiniai tyrimai konkretizuoja Pilies kalno šiaurinės papėdės apgyvendinimo raidą.Žemutinėje keltuvo aikštelėje aptiktas beveik 7 m storio kultūrinis sluoksnis. Apie 2–3 m kultūrinio sluoksnio viršutinės dalies suardyta ar supilta ХІХ-ХХ a. Įžemis aptiktas ties H abs. 90,60 m (pietinėje perkasos dalyje) ir H abs. 90,00 m (šiaurinėje dalyje). Tyrimų metu aptiktos mūrinio pastato, kuriame buvo mažiausiai dvi patalpos, liekanos. Vienos ištirtos patalpos (pusrūsio) dydis - 8x7 m (56 m2). Pastatas statytas ant medinių konstrukcijų pamato. Medienos dendrochronologinė analizė parodė, jog rąstai statybai kirsti 1565 ir 1566 metais. Namas išstovėjo apie 100 metų ir XVII a. II pusėje jau buvo apgriuvęs. Šis pastatas siejamas su Arsenalo kieme stovėjusiu pietiniu korpusu. Į rytus nuo mūrinio pastato aptikti 9 kapai. Mirusieji čia laidoti greičiausiai 1655–1661 m., karinių veiksmų Vilniuje metu. Tyrimų vietoje šiaurinė Pilies kalno papėdė ankstyviausiai apgyvendinta nuo 1259 m. Taip datuojamas stulpinės konstrukcijos pastatėlis, statytas ant įžemio. Greičiausiai kartu kurį laiką stovėjo ir šiauriau jo rastas rentininis pastatas, kuris datuojamas 1271 m. Medinio užstatymo horizontai datuoti iki 1321 m. Gali būti, kad statant Arsenalo pietinį korpusą sunaikinti ir keli dar vėlesni medinio užstatymo horizontai.Reikšminiai žodžiai: Vilnius; Pilies kalnas; šiaurinė papėdė; Užstatymo raida; Archeologiniai tyrimai; Dendrochronologija; Vilnius; Castle Hill; Northern base; Developoment of resettlement; Archaeological investigations; Dendrochronology; Vilniaus Žemutinė pilis; šiaurinė pilies kalno papėdė; Arsenalas; 13 amžius; 14 amžius; 16 amžius; 17 amžius; Mūrinis pastatas; Kapai; Medinio užstatymo horizontai; Dendrochronologiniai tyrimai; Vilnius Lower Castle; The North Foot of the Castle Hill; Arsenal; 13-14th cent.; 16-17th cent.; Brick building; Graves; Horizons of wooden erection; Dendrochronological investigations.

ENIn the opinion of investigators the remains of the earliest town-type settlement discovered in the territory of the Vilnius Lower Castle, in the northeastern foot of the Castle Hill, dates back to not later than the 13th century. However, when no special methods of dating (C14, dendrochronology) were used, the onset of settling was calculated with a great error. It remains unclear, which part of the 13th century - the beginning, the middle or the end - is referred to in the works of many investigators. The results of archaeological investigations carried out in the courtyard of the arsenal, in the Vilnius Lower Castle in 2003 enabled us to make more exact the localisation and chronology of a complex of certain buildings of the arsenal, and the data of dendrochronological investigations into four buildings of the horizon of the wooden erection found deeper, rendered concrete the development of settling the north foot of the Castle Hill. During archaeological investigations the remains of a brick building were discovered in the south-western part of the arsenal courtyard. It is thought that the remains of the southern block of the arsenal were found, which were cartographed for the first time in the plan of J. G. M. von Fiurstenhof. The foundation of the brick building consisting of two premises was discovered. One semi-basement measured 8 x 7 m, its floor was cobbled. The disintegrated remains of the vaulting were found over the floor of the semi-basement on which tiles of the clay floor in the ground floor measuring 17 x 17 cm and 3,5-4 cm thick were discovered. The construction of coupled 30-centimetre thick pine logs was used for the foundation of the building. Cavities that formed between the logs were filled in with large and medium-size stones, which were covered with lime mortar. The construction was laid on the wooden poles driven into the ground.The poles were 25-33 cm thick, about 1,20-1,30 m. long. They reinforced the foundations mainly under the western wall of the house, most probably because of the inclination of the slope of the Castle Hill where the ground was not so hard. Dendrochronological investigations into the construction of the foundations of the southern block of the arsenal showed that the last ring (cutting) of five samples dated back to the year 1565 and one sample was cut a year later. It can be stated that the southern block of the arsenal was commenced to be built not earlier than in winter of 1566. The house stood for as long as a hundred years and in the second part of the 17th century it was partly destroyed. Nine graves were discovered at the eastern wall of this building. Buried individuals were buried in plank coffins in several groups in common graves, without any burial items (with the exception of the sixth grave in which a coin was found), with the heads facing south-west (~240°). It is thought that the partici pants in military operations in Vilnius in 1655-1661, most likely soldiers of the Muscovite garrison were buried there. During the investigations four horizons of the wooden erection, which have survived in a better condition, were discovered under the pavement level of the brick building. In the investigation site the earliest settling on the north foot of the Castle Hill is dated from 1259. The structure of a pillar construction built on sterile soil is dated in this way. Perhaps a blockhouse, which was found further north and was dated as far back as 1271, stood together with it for some time there (the remains of both buildings are attributed to horizon IV of the wooden erection). The remains of four buildings, which date back to 1269-1279 were attributed to horizon III of the wooden erection.The remains of two buildings were discovered in horizon II of the wooden erection, which were built between 1275 and 1306, and having summed up the dendrochronological conclusions of the wooden erection of the first horizon it can be stated that intensive life was lived at this level in 1306-1321. It is quite probable that several other later horizons of the wooden erection were destroyed when building the southern block of the arsenal. [From the publication]

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