Archeologinio paveldo apsaugos tendencijos Šiaulių regione

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Archeologinio paveldo apsaugos tendencijos Šiaulių regione
Alternative Title:
Archaeological heritage protection tendencies in Šiauliai region
In the Journal:
Šiauliai. Šiaulių kraštas (Šiauliai region); Lietuva (Lithuania).
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje suformuluotos archeologinio paveldo apsaugos tendencijos Šiaulių regione, išanalizuoti ir susisteminti regiono paveldo apsaugos politikos įgyvendinimo aspektai regionų bei savivaldybių lygmeniui. Išanalizuotas regiono archeologinio paveldo apsaugos valdymas, išryškinamos šios srities problemos. Patvirtinta hipotezė, kad archeologinio paveldo apsauga ir tyrimai turėtų vykti kompleksiškai, tyrimai ateityje sietini su neatrastais archeologiniais objektais, apsauga ir pažinimo sklaida - su archeologinio paveldo skaitmeniniu pateikimu. [Iš leidinio]

ENIn the article the following research questions are raised: "What are the essential archaeological protection tendencies in Šiauliai region?"; "What facts, the legal basis and the activity indices determine archaeological heritage protection tendencies in the region?"; "What archaeological researches and sources of archaeological science enable to anticipate archaeological heritage protection tendencies in Šiauliai region?" The aim of the research is to investigate and to substantiate archaeological heritage protection tendencies in Šiauliai region. In the research were analyzed national documents legalizing archaeological heritage protection management and the science studies of the authors examining its specifics; also there has been analyzed archaeological heritage protection politics of Lithuania and Šiauliai region; the possibilities of archaeological protection financing have been evaluated, directions for the archaeological heritage researches in different districts of Šiauliai region have been identified; the possibilities of archaeological heritage use in separate regions have been evaluated. In the article, archaeological heritage protection tendencies in Šiauliai region were formulated, region's heritage protection implementation aspects on the region's and municipalitie's level have been analyzed and systematized. Management of region's archaeological heritage protection management has been analyzed; the problems of this sphere have been highlighted. The hypothesis that archaeological heritage protection and researches must be carried out in coordinated manner, and that future researches must be linked to the undiscovered archaeological objects, protection and knowledge dispersion must be linked to archaeological heritage digital representation, has been confirmed. [From the publication]

1648-9098; 2424-337X
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