Kaip sukurti teisę be parlamento?

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Kaip sukurti teisę be parlamento?
Alternative Title:
How to create law with out parliament?
In the Journal:
Teisės mokslo pavasaris. 2019, 2019, p. 135-154
Teisėkūra. Teisės šaltiniai / Legislation. Sources of law; Teismai. Teismų praktika / Courts. Case-law.
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje analizuojami Lietuvos teismų praktikos pavyzdžiai, kai teismas, veikiantis kaip de facto teisėkūros subjektas, nagrinėjamoje byloje sukuria tokią teisinę taisyklę, kuri nėra expressis verbis įtvirtinta teisės aktuose. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Teismų kuriama teisė; Teisėkūra; Teisės precedentas. Keywords: Court-made law; Legislation; Legal precedent.

ENThis article focuses on the courts ability to apply rules of law without making references to the actual provisions of laws. After the rehabilitation of independence of Republic of Lithuania, the courts of Lithuania were stimulated to interpret law creatively, adapting them to the social, political or economical context of the country. But the fact that courts create law is not universally recognized. Therefore, in this article the position that courts only interpret and explain provisions of laws are denied based on the decisions of the Lithuanian courts. The new rules created by the courts are a result of creative interpretation of the statutory law and, the general principles of law. The form of creation of law is based on the precedent of the court’s decision. In accordance with the doctrine of precedent, the main matter is that the lower instance courts must follow the decision of the higher courts. Following are the cases when the courts may create law: 1) in the face of legal gaps; 2) in case of legislative imperfection; 3) in the case of the need to adopt socially fair decision. [From the publication]

2345-0878; 2538-8916
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