Šeimos poveikis paauglio seksualiniam elgesiui.

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Šeimos poveikis paauglio seksualiniam elgesiui
In the Journal:
Pedagogika. 2001, 53, p. 3-7
Jaunimas / Youth; Socialinis ugdymas / Social education.
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje nagrinėjama paauglio seksualinio elgesio priklausomybė nuo jo santykių šeimoje. Apklausti 14-17 metų amžiaus 1046 paaugliai. Paaiškėjo, kad 73,8 proc. iš jų yra patyrę dvasinę deprivaciją santykiuose su tėvais. Dauguma paauglių stokoja tėvų meilės, šeimoje nesijaučia esą reikalingi, nėra vertinama jų nuomonė. Nustatyta, jog nepakankamą dvasinį tėvų bendravimą, švelnumo ir pasitikėjimo stoką paaugliai bando kompensuoti atsitiktiniais seksualiniais santykiais, egzistuoja glaudi sąsaja tarp motinos meilės trūkumo bei tėvo pasitikėjimo paaugliu ir ankstyvos seksualinės patirties. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Šeima; Paaugliai; Ankstyva seksualinė patirtis; Seksualinis elgesys; Family; Teenager; Early sexual experience; Sexual behaviour.

ENThe aim of this article is to show the influence of family on adolescent sexual activity. The research that is described in the article is based on the answers of 1046 students (432 boys and 614 girls) of 14-17 years old. The results of this research shows that 73,8% teenagers felt spiritual deprivation in their families. This fact directly influences their sexual activity looking for love, attention outside their families. It is very important for the development of the values of teenager to identity him/her self with the person he/she respects. Our results showed that 25,9% of boys and 27,0% of girls do not treat their mothers as an example they would follow, 31,5% and 43,3% correspondingly – do not treat their fathers as an example as well. The lack of love, emotional contacts, attention to the actual problems of teenagers are very important to children. The research shows that only 27,2% of girls and 33,0% boys would like to have the same relations in their future families as they do have now. This lets the authors to make the conclusion that the influence of family on forming sexual behaviour of teenagers is very important. It also shows that the distance between children and their parents is growing. So we have to pray more attention to family climate in order to form an intellectually and emotionally mature society. [From the publication]

1392-0340; 2029-0551
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