Probleminio mokymosi taikymo patirtis profesinės anglų kalbos pratybose: dėstytojų požiūris

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Probleminio mokymosi taikymo patirtis profesinės anglų kalbos pratybose: dėstytojų požiūris
Alternative Title:
Experience of problem-based learning in the professional English language classes: teachers’ approach
Pedagogai / Pedagogues; Užsienio kalbų mokymas / Foreign language teaching.
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje rašoma apie Lietuvos aukštosiose mokyklose vykdytą dėstytojų požiūrio į probleminio mokymosi taikymą profesinės anglų kalbos pratybose tyrimą. Probleminis mokymasis lyginant su tradiciniu mokymosi būdu reikalauja didesnio dėstytojų indėlio, nes tenka mokytis naujų dalykų, prisitaikyti. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad daugumai dėstytojų probleminio mokymosi metodus yra sunkiau taikyti nei kitus metodus, tačiau probleminio mokymosi metodai motyvuoja studentus mokytis anglų kalbos labiau nei kiti metodai. Dėstytojai palankiai vertina probleminio mokymosi teikiamą naudą profesinės anglų kalbos studijoms, tačiau šios mokymosi metodikos galimybės nėra pakankamai išnaudojamos, nes kai kurie išryškėję sunkumai galėtų būti lengviau įveikiami taikant edukologų rekomendacijas. Probleminio mokymosi ypatumų ir su tuo susijusių sunkumų analizė parodė, kad taikant probleminio mokymosi metodiką dėstytojo vaidmuo keičiasi, bet nei kiek nesumažėja. Probleminio mokymosi sistemos teikiama nauda siejasi su dėstytojų žiniomis ir patirtimi. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Dėstytojas; Grupinis darbas; Probleminis mokymas; Problemos sprendimas; Užsienio kalba; Critical thinking; Foreign language; Group work; Problem solving; Problem-based learning; Teacher.

ENThe research carried out at the Lithuanian higher education institutions was aimed at identifying the views of Lithuanian high school teachers on the benefits and difficulties of applying problem-based learning in the professional English language classes, as well as opportunities for improvement. In the world the efficiency of methodology of problem-based learning is confirmed by scientific research, but in Lithuania the problem-based learning in higher education system has been applied more widely only recently and its application in the Professional English language learning has hardly been investigated. Problem-based learning as compared to traditional learning requires a greater contribution from lecturer’s side as it involves adapting to new things. Therefore, it is important to note the difficulties faced by teachers, to analyze positive and negative experiences, so that more active integration of advanced methods into professional English language studies could take place. The results of the research showed that most teachers admit that problem-based learning method is more difficult to apply than other methods, but problem-based learning method motivates students to learn English more than other methods. Less than half of the respondents think that they have enough knowledge to apply problem-based learning method and only more than half of the participants collaborate with other subject lecturers. The major advantages of problem-based learning identified by the lecturers are the development of teamwork and communicative skills, the biggest difficulties encounted by the teachers are that it is time consuming and requires much effort to maintain the group’s dynamics, while the most difficult stage of problem based learning is the process of monitoring and maintaining.According to the lecturers, the application of problem-based learning in the professional English language classes would be similarly improved by having discussions with colleagues, training and access to relevant literature. A little more than half of the respondents take into account the recommendations for problem-based learning by dividing students into heterogeneous groups according to the English language skills, but only a small percentage of them form teams of five or more members. Analyzing the relationships between the experience of the teachers and the difficulties encountered, the following statistically significant results are obtained (p <0.05). It has been found that it is easier for teachers to work when teams of students are formed according to a similar level of English and more effort is needed to support dynamics when students form teams themselves to their own interests. It has also been found that lecturers, who have more work experience and spend more hours per semester applying problem-based learning method, name the inadequacy of students English language knowledge/skills as one of the main difficulties applying problem-based learning in the professional English language classes, whereas lecturers with less experience in applying problem-based learning are more likely to encounter problems with the formation of a more appropriate problem.Thus, this investigation has shown that the lecturers appreciate the benefits of problem-based learning techniques in the professional English language classes, however problem-based learning techniques are not sufficiently exploited, some difficulties could be easily managed by recommendations of educators. Also, the results of this study indicate that the role of lecturer changes with the use of problem-based learning methods, but does not diminish as much. The teacher applying problem-based learning methods becomes even more responsible, adding more efforts to help students become independent and active members of the team. [From the publication]

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