Tarpdisciplininis bendradarbiavimas kuriant vienijančią aplinką

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Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Tarpdisciplininis bendradarbiavimas kuriant vienijančią aplinką
Alternative Title:
Interdisciplinary collaboration for development unity environment
In the Journal:
Tiltai [Bridges] [Brücken]. 2018, Nr. 1 (79), p. 95-114
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje pristatomi Vytauto Didžiojo ir Lietuvos sveikatos mokslų universitetų dėstytojų tęstinių tyrimų rezultatai, pagrindžiama socialinių darbuotojų ir kitų profesionalų, dirbančių pagalbos žmogui srityje, bendradarbiavimo būtinybė, kuriant asmenį palaikančią socialinę aplinką, kuri straipsnyje suprantama kaip vienijanti aplinka (ang. unity environment). Teoriniai ir empiriniai socialinių darbuotojų, sveikatos ir ugdymo specialistų bendradarbiavimo aspektai analizuojami, pabrėžiant konceptualią asmens įgalinimo nuostatą ir jos reikšmingumą senėjančioje, transformacijas išgyvenančioje visuomenėje. Remiantis tyrimų rezultatų interpretacija, aptariama tarpdisciplininio bendradarbiavimo raiška praktikoje, aktualizuojami profesionalų rengimo ir tęstinio mokymosi pokyčiai, pabrėžiant pasirengimą dirbti tarpdisciplininėje komandoje. Pirmoje straipsnio dalyje aptariamos socialinės įtampos, jų raiška socialinio darbo ir sveikatos priežiūros praktikoje, atskleidžiant iššūkius žmogui – profesionalui ir klientui. Antroje dalyje išryškinama tarpdisciplininės komunikacijos, lemiančios įgalinančios vienijančios aplinkos kūrimą, svarba socialinių įtampų kontekste, aptariama paramą teikiančio bendradarbiavimo raiška praktinėje veikloje. Trečioje dalyje analizuojami edukacinių tarpdisciplininio bendradarbiavimo prielaidų ir galimybių paieškos atvejai: reflektuojami medicinos ir socialinio darbo studijų programų analizės rezultatai; pristatomi studijų programų organizavimo pokyčiai, aptariama naujovių raiška studijų programose ir praktikoje. Apibendrinant ir sisteminant straipsnyje pateikiamą informaciją išvadų ir diskusijos dalyje aktualizuojama konsultavimo funkcijos raiška formaliojo ir neformaliojo mokymosi procese. [...]. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Socialinis darbas; Medicina; Tarpdisciplininis bendradarbiavimas; Vienijanti aplinka; Konsultavimas; Social work; Medicine; Interdiciplinary collaboration; Unity environment; Consulting.

ENThe article presents the results of Vytautas Magnus University and Lithuanian University of Health Sciences teachers implemented continuing studies which justifies the importance of collaboration between social workers and other professionals working in the field of helping professions, creating a person’s supportive social environment, which the article perceives as a unity environment. There are analyzed theoretical and empirical, aspects of cooperation between social workers, health professionals and educators, emphasizing the conceptual attitude of personal empowerment and its significance in an aging, transforming society. The interpretation of the research based on qualitative research methodology results revealed, the interdisciplinary cooperation in practice is discussed, the changes of professional training and continuing education are highlighted, emphasizing readiness to work in an interdisciplinary team. In the first part of the article there are discussed social tensions, their expression in social work and healthcare practice, revealing the challenges for a person – a professional and a client. The second part of the article highlights the interdisciplinary communication, leading to the creation of enabling environment of unity, and the importance of social tensions in the context of supportive cooperation discussed resolution it’s practice. In the third part there are analyzed cases for the conditions and possibilities of educational interdisciplinary cooperation: the results of the analysis of medical and social work study programs are reflected; introduced changes in the organization of study programs, discussed the expression of innovations in study programs and practice. There is emphasized counseling as a key factor in educational change in the implementation of a “learner center”, a lifelong learning strategy in the process of continuing education. [...].The results of the survey review and their interpretation have highlighted three conceptual concepts, significant interdisciplinary communication and cooperation understanding: multiculturalism, multi-literacy, social capital. Globalization stipulates social tensions, in this context of these understandings can be perceived as a key empowering environment for the unity of the resource, in an aging society significantly complementing the economic and human capital. Multiculturalism as an essential feature of modern society confirms the importance of intercultural and interdisciplinary communication by promoting and sustaining individual self-expression and participation in the process of creating a unity of environment where dominant economic, political or social forces frustrate communities and people’s health and well-being disappear due to inequalities and unstable environments. The concept of multi-literacy meets the requirements of the 21st century for a person, ensures participation and responsibility for the effects of its activities and is linked to the ability to find and use information in various areas of a changing social life. On the other hand, the topic of multi-literacy highlights tensions between personality literacy and service providers and organization or community literacy. These tensions become essential in the cases of aging or inability. The concept of social capital is essential, in accordance with the provisions of that aging and disability is not lack of opportunity, it is possible independence and autonomy to ensure proper conditions. Such conditions can be created by implementing the idea of creating a safe physical and psychosocial environment or a unity environment. However, in order to realize this idea, an interdisciplinary team is required, the cooperation of its members is conditional on the development of social capital.Summarizing the results of interdisciplinary collaborative research, the main interfacing interdisciplinary team barrier was revealed – different attitudes that prevent health professionals and social workers from discovering common values that unite their activities. Barrierrs for cooperation are also conditioned by insufficient understanding of the importance of supporting cooperation. Different knowledge and methods due to the purpose and experience of different professional activities can also become a communication barrier. Research shows that the social worker’s efforts to seek out communication opportunities and the growing awareness of the role of a social worker in health professionals can be a precondition for overcoming barriers. The results of the study program analysis reveal the preconditions for learning to work in a team – it can be stated that adjusting education objectives in all three occupations (doctors, nurses, social workers) may create preconditions for solving interdisciplinary cooperation problems that have emerged in the research. The idea of “Student Center” essentially changes the behavior of the student and the teacher. This is most vividly manifested problem solving-based learning, including through studies, project approach and practice. This creates opportunities for the development of cooperation competence. In order to ensure students’ autonomy, they are given “responsibility” for learning goals, processes and outcomes. The results of the research in the article make it possible to state the significance of dual counseling. [...]. [From the publication]

1392-3137; 2351-6569
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