Pokyčių valdymo sėkmės veiksniai organizacijose

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Pokyčių valdymo sėkmės veiksniai organizacijose
Alternative Title:
Change management success factors in organizations
In the Journal:
Visuomenės saugumas ir viešoji tvarka [Public security and public order]. 2013, 10, p. 339-356
Summary / Abstract:

LTOrganizaciniai pokyčiai, jų valdymas tampa neatskiriama šiuolaikinio verslo pasaulio dalimi. Tačiau, nepaisant pokyčių valdymo būtinybės suvokimo, itin didelė dalis pokyčių įgyvendinama nesėkmingai. Šiame straipsnyje nagrinėjami pagrindiniai pokyčių įgyvendinimo sėkmės veiksniai pateikiant konkrečius sėkmingų pokyčių įgyvendinimo modelius bei etapus. Tyrimas atliktas taikant struktūrizuoto interviu metodą. Tyrimo metu nustatyta, kad vadovai neabejoja pokyčių valdymo būtinybe, o teigiamą požiūrį į naujoves ir pokyčius laiko konkurencingumą didinančiu veiksniu. Svarbiausiais sėkmės veiksniais vadovai įvardijo komunikaciją tarp vadovo ir pavaldinių, vadovo vaidmenį ir darbuotojų įtraukimą į pokyčių planavimą. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Organizacija; Pokyčiai; Pokyčių valdymas; Sėkmės veiksniai; Vadovai; Change management; Changes; Managers; Organization; Success factors.

ENOrganizational changes and their management are becoming an integral part of the modern business world. However, despite the perception of the need for change management, large part of the ongoing changes end as failure. Organizations, that ignore changes and the importance of their management, can lose not only competitive position in the market, but fail as well. Therefore, change management issues do not lose their relevance and are becoming especially relevant to the present environment. Although most people understand the need to respond to the changes, but only few realize that change can be managed and controlled. Obvious scientific and practical problem is a complex change management process as well as insufficient analysis of the key success factors for managing change in organizations. The article aim is to explore fundamental factors of successful changes in organizations. Research object is change management success factors. The objectives are to define the concept of change management, to analyze the main success factors of change implementation and to determine change implementation success factors in specific organizations. Research methods are literary analysis, comparative, statistical analysis and generalization techniques. Data analysis used the SPSS 17 computer program package. The study was conducted in standardized interview survey method. While organizing the study, the questionnaire was created; to assess its scales ‘internal consistency Cronbach's alpha coefficient was calculated. During the survey, 37 leaders of organizations operating in Klaipeda were selected as subjects; a simple random sample was applied. The study was conducted in March 2013.The first part discussed the concept of change management. It was summarized, that the change management can be seen as a consistent and systematic process for a smooth transition to the organization's desired state. The second part analyzed the success factors of the change implementation. It was emphasized that it is essential to harmonize the objectives and interests of the employees with organizational goals and to actively involve all members of the organization in the change implementation process as well as to select one or more appropriate organization change model. The study found out that leaders of business organizations do not doubt the need of change management and count this process as one of the factors of enhancing the competitiveness. As the most important success factor for the implementation of change in the organization, managers identified the communication between managers and subordinates, the supervisor’s role and involvement of employees in the change planning. [From the publication]

2029-1701; 2335-2035
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