Darnaus vystymosi žinių svarba ir poreikis

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Darnaus vystymosi žinių svarba ir poreikis
Alternative Title:
Importance and need of sustainable development knowledge
In the Journal:
Profesinės studijos: teorija ir praktika [Professional studies: theory and practice]. 2010, Nr. 6, p. 92-98
Summary / Abstract:

LTDarnaus vystymosi filosofija ir ideologija, sąlygojanti pilnavertį visuomenės vystymąsi, pasaulyje įgauna vis didesnę reikšmę. Dėl to didėja darnaus vystymosi žinių svarba, įtakojanti jų praktinį taikymą. Darnus vystymasis visais aspektais turėtų būti neatsiejama organizacijų veiklos dalis, tačiau dėl įvairių priežasčių, tarp jų ir žinių stokos, šios nuostatos organizacijose gali būti netaikomos arba taikomos nepakankamai. Straipsnyje nagrinėjama darnaus vystymosi žinių reikšmė organizacijoje, apibendrinami empirinio tyrimo, atlikto Kauno kolegijos Ekonomikos ir teisės fakultete, rezultatai. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Darnaus vystymosi nuostatos; Darnaus vystymosi žinių svarba ir poreikis; Imonės socialinė atsakomybė; Įmonės socialinė atsakomybė; Company social responsibility; Importance and need of sustainable development knowledge; Sustainable development provisions.

ENThe philosophy and ideology of sustainable development are becoming more and more significant throughout the world and determine attitudes necessary for the complete development of society. In the modern economic world, sustainable development ideas as observed in the context of international relations and dictate the principle of personal responsibility with a view to socially and economically active personality. Every person must and is able to take responsibility for the direction of social and economical development, because under today’s circumstances any individual should hold the position of 'me' in the world, not 7' and the world. Consequently, the accumulation of human assets and individual capacities is becoming the goal of society, and this is how the opportunity to know and handle the social process arises. Successful application of sustainable development knowledge ensures social and economic integrity and plays an important role when matching needs and aims of the society and individual. As a result, the importance of sustainable development knowledge increases and makes influence on its practical application.Sustainable development in all aspects should be concurrent with organisation activity. Sustainable business is socially responsible business, which is formed scientifically by balancing social-humanistic (ethical) values and economic attainments. Lack of sustainable development knowledge, however, puts limits on its application in organisations. Naturally, there is a question whether organisation managers have enough knowledge of sustainable development and whether organisations apply sustainable development principles in their activity. The aim of the article is to structure the theoretical background of sustainable development and after the empirical research has been done to identify the need of sustainable development knowledge and its practical application in organisations. In the first part of the paper, principles of sustainable development are analysed and company social responsibility is underlined. In the second part, the analysis of empirical research, revealing the demand of sustainable development knowledge and its practical application in organisations is presented. [From the publication]

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