Suaugusiųjų asmenų nuolatinio mokymosi galimybės Utenos rajone

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Suaugusiųjų asmenų nuolatinio mokymosi galimybės Utenos rajone
Alternative Title:
Possibiliteis have continual adult edication in Utena district
In the Journal:
Edukacinės studijos. 2008, 4, p. 75-82
Utena; Lietuva (Lithuania); Pedagogika / Pedagogy; Profesinis rengimas / Vocational training; Suaugusiųjų mokymas / Adult education.
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Kvalifikacija; Mokymasis visą gyvenimą; Nuolatinis mokymasis; Nuolatinis tobulinimasis; Profesija; Suaugusieji; Suaugęs besimokantysis; Tęstinis mokymasis; Adult learner; Adults; Continuous development; Continuous learning; Life long learning; Permanent learning; Profession; Qualification.

ENThere is important to create flexible placement system in a world economic that is very variable so attention is paid to life long education. Changes in environment and activities act on permanent society. Individual should have a possibility to live in changeable political as well as economical situation, creating new democratic society. Regularly elevating science level, developing new technologies, changes requirements for employment. So continual need for improving knowledge is significant. Research object: Possibilities of continual adult education in Utena district. Aim of the research: To explore possibilities of continual adult education in Utena district. Tasks of the research: To discuss conception, destination and aims of continual education. To study adults’ motivation and experience in education.To present institutions for adults’ education in Utena. To research possibilities of continual education between inhabitants in Utena district. At the theoretical part or work is reviewed education as continual process lasting all the life. At the practical part research are present.This research was competed in Utena. Respondents are adult people. Aim of research was to unclose possibilities of continual education. Continual education is a life long process, which is stimulated by environment, new technologies and personal need for education of the individual. Research proved that not all educational organizations in Utena provide adult education. Main reasons of this phenomenon are: employers are not interested for perfection of workers; government distinguish not enough finance for adult education; there are not enough good circumstances for education in the organizations; negative personal view of adult people to the continual education. As research displayed, main competences intercepting contemporary basics of science in European and Global context. So the knowledge of informational technologies, law and foreign languages are needed to be improved. [From the publication]

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