Nostalgija sovietmečio dizainui retro objektų vartojimo kontekste

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Nostalgija sovietmečio dizainui retro objektų vartojimo kontekste
Alternative Title:
Nostalgia for Soviet design in the context of consumption of retro objects
In the Journal:
Acta Academiae Artium Vilnensis [AAAV]. 2011, t. 61, p. 105-127. Tekstai apie dizainą: lietuviški ir tarptautiniai kontekstai
Dizainas / Design.
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje siekiama analizuoti nostalgijos fenomeno postmodernioje populiariojoje kultūroje reiškimosi bruožus, ypatingą dėmesį skiriant naujai sukurtiems dizaino objektams, turintiems retrogradiškų ir dažnai anachroniškų naratyvų. Atliekant retro fenomenu paremtos rinkodaros reiškimosi galimybių studiją Lietuvoje, atsižvelgiama į menotyrininkų ir istorikų analizuotus šaltinius, aprašančius sovietmečiu formuotas daiktinės aplinkos tradicijas. Tyrime išskiriama erzacų kultūra ir jos galimi poveikiai vartojant postnostalgijos produktus, kaip kultūrinius simbolius. Tekste taip pat pateikiamos skirtingos ilgesio emocijų grupavimo tradicijos įvairių autorių tyrimuose. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Nostalgija; Dizainas; Retro; Sovietmetis; Ostalgija; Erzacas; Nostalgia; Nostalgia; Design; Retro; Soviet era; Ostalgia; Ersatz.

ENThis article explores nostalgia as an emotional aspect of newly produced retro Soviet design objects. The research also takes a deeper look into the sources and origins of cultural contexts. The postmodern retro phenomenon is introduced as a non-historical way of understanding the past. When retroalgia is discussed as a phenomenon, a crucial turning point is revealed - longing for the past not necessarily turns into admiration of ones personal past. The purpose of this article is to analyze the needs and possibilities of reproducing the Soviet past. It is based on ideas related to the phenomenon of longing in today's cultural space, expressed by the various historians, sociologists and philosophers. Design was socially engaged during the Soviet times. Unfortunately, instead of solving social problems, it followed the line of planned economy and served as a means to meet the goals of the five-year plans. In this article, the notion of nostalgia is dissociated from bittersweet melancholy, which can provide happiness whilst contemplating the past in the present. It is no longer associated with medical pathology either. The article employs more than one classification theory of longing, especially when exploring interpretations of anachronistic and heterotypic examples. In the context of narrativity of objects, the ersatz culture that flourished in the Soviet times is shown to become even more significant in triggering commercialized retrograde emotions in rituals of the past. The article also discusses the main challenges of reproducing Soviet objects and notions today. [From the publication]

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