Monumentalūs meninio stiklo kūriniai septintame XX a. dešimtmetyje - pirmame XXI a. dešimtmetyje visuomeniniuose Lietuvos interjeruose

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Monumentalūs meninio stiklo kūriniai septintame XX a. dešimtmetyje - pirmame XXI a. dešimtmetyje visuomeniniuose Lietuvos interjeruose
Alternative Title:
Monumental glass art works from the 1960s to the 2000s in public interiors in Lithuania
In the Book:
Pasaulietiniai interjerai: idėja, dekoras, dizainas / sudarytoja Dalia Klajumienė. Vilnius: Vilniaus dailės akademijos leidykla, 2014. P. 303-318
Subject Category:
Summary / Abstract:

LTLietuvoje septintame-devintame XX a. dešimtmetyje, vystantis modernistinei architektūrai, daug dėmesio buvo skiriama visuomeninių pastatų interjero erdvių apipavidalinimui, įvairių meno rūšių, taigi ir stiklo meno, kūriniams. Straipsnyje pristatomi originaliausi ir labiausiai pavykę monumentalių stiklo darbų pritaikymo interjerui pavyzdžiai, aptariamos sovietmečiu vyravusios tokio patalpų dekoravimo kryptys. Toliau supažindinama su XX a. pabaigos - XXI a. pradžios architektūros kaita, nulėmusią monumentalių stiklo kūrinių naujoviškumų - pakitusias stiklo kūrinių rūšis, menines, technines ir funkcines savybes - šiuolaikiniame visuomeniniame interjere. [Iš leidinio]

ENIn the second half of the 20th century, after the postwar period, construction of more sophisticated public buildings began to flourish. In the Soviet period it was influenced by modern architecture; considerable attention was paid to the formation and decor of interior spaces in public buildings with the help of various kinds of works of art. Various possibilities of textile, pottery, stained glass, and metalwork were used for modern decoration and formation of a total interior and the uniqueness of premises. This trend, which existed during the larger part of the Soviet period, made a positive impact on the artistic view of Lithuanian public interiors, and also prompted the emergence and modernization of certain branches of art (e.g. three-dimensional textile). Quite many Lithuanian theorists, architectural researchers and art critics wrote scholarly works about these processes - the so-called phenomenon of "the interaction of the arts". However, one of the branches of art that had a considerable significance for the spatial arrangement of Lithuanian public interiors did not receive much attention and thorough discussion. It is monumental glass works, which were created in large numbers and represented different types. Their impact on the interior was also diverse and different. The present paper seeks to review the use of glass art works in the 1960S-1980S, while referring to the principles of chronological, typological and formal analysis.It also aims to show what types of artistic glass works (decorative panels, three-dimensional glass works, chandeliers, ensembles of vases) were the most popular in the design of public interiors, how relevant they were to the contemporary concept of a total interior, and how their artistic and technological solutions changed in the course of time. Works by famous Lithuanian glass and stained glass artists (R Ušinskaitė, A. Stoškus. I. Lipienė, A. Dovydėnas, К. Simanonis, К. Šatūnas, V. Gutauskas and many others) are analysed. In the late 20th century and the early 21st century, the specific character of architecture in Lithuania underwent marked changes. As glass architecture became established, the amount of artworks in public interiors decreased, and their artistic character changed. With the aim to reveal the importance of specific artworks in contemporary interiors and to acquaint the audience with monumental glass works of the last decades, the author of the paper will present recent examples of glass art, discuss their artistic, technological, and functional features, and compare the types and distribution of these works with those of the works that decorated public interiors in the Soviet period. Original works by E. Utarienė, E. Markūnas, R. Mulevičiūtė, N. Vasiliauskaitė and other artists, which decorate the spaces of contemporary public buildings, are analysed, their artistic features and a positive relation with the interior is emphasised. [From the publication]

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