Tradiciškumas miesto šventėse

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Tradiciškumas miesto šventėse
Alternative Title:
Traditions in city festivals
In the Journal:
Res humanitariae. 2013, t. 13, p. 95-106
Kaunas. Kauno kraštas (Kaunas region); Klaipėda. Klaipėdos kraštas (Klaipeda region); Šiauliai. Šiaulių kraštas (Šiauliai region); Vilnius. Vilniaus kraštas (Vilnius region); Lietuva (Lithuania); Kultūros politika / Cultural policy; Liaudies kultūra / Folk culture; Šventės. Atmintinos dienos / Festivals. Holy days.
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje apibendrinami 2012 m. surinktų duomenų apie didžiuosius Lietuvos miestų renginius apklausos rezultatai. Aptariant miestų švenčių tradicinius (pasak pateikėjų) bendrumus, akcentuotina koncertų gausa, tradicinės renginių vietos bei švenčių (kasmetinis) tęstinumas. Tapačios įvairiuose miestuose organizuojamos šventės miestelėnų palankumo nesulaukia: valstybinių, kalendorinių švenčių organizuojamuose renginiuose lankosi pavieniai pateikėjai. Nėra labai didelio susidomėjimo miesto gimtadienių renginiais, nors šie išskiriami kaip svarbūs miestui. Didžiausio palankumo sulaukia išskirtinai tam miestui būdingi masiniai renginiai (pvz., Kauno Hanza dienos, Klaipėdos jūros šventė). [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Miesto šventė; Renginiai; Tradicija; City Festivals; Events; Tradition.

ENThe biggest Lithuanian cities constantly organize massive festive events that eventually become a part of cultural traditions as well as the object of attraction for city residents. Through the analysis of festive events, which have taken place during the recent years in the biggest Lithuanian cities - Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipėda and Šiauliai – we seek to distinguish and de scribe traditional cultural city events. The abstract summarizes the results of the poll carried out in 2012 about the events in the biggest Lithuanian cities. In total, 117 respondents residing in the biggest Lithuanian cities have been polled. The answers of the poll cover the most fascinating different city events as well as their traditional moments. While indicating the most popular and the most famous festival, most respondents named the Sea Festival in Klaipėda – 94 % of Klaipėda residents and 78 % of dwellers in other big gest cities indicated the festival as the most important event in Klaipėda. According to the author M. Huelmann, „the demand to create traditions is obvious (despite the fact that the word "traditions" is incompatible with new customs)". However, it takes time for the created traditions to become acceptable and awaited by city residents. The Sea Festival's popularity is exceptional, as the festival has the continuous traditions of its organization and celebration.When asked about the means that could make city events more popu lar, the respondents indicated different ways, yet they absolutely contradicted the traditional moments of festivals that had been indicated before: to use different areas of the city (whereas the same place of an event has been indicated as the traditional and attractive feature for a city event); to organize events of higher quality, paid ones (yet, the respondents were happy that no fees were applied for city festivals); pay bigger attention for city decoration (yet, only one-third of the respondents noticed such details); grandiose, impressive and more international events should be or ganized (however, it was praised that the events took place every year and were organized in particular cities); more attention should be paid to the order during the festivals (yet, freedom, celebration, meeting friends were the things the respond ents rejoiced the most); artists for performances should be selected (yet, the respondents rejoiced they could see concerts of different genres and styles), etc. While talking about the common traditional features of city festivals, the respondents highlighted the variety of concerts, traditional places and the continuity (on the annual basis). Identical feasts that are organized in different cities are not evaluated favourably – only solitary respondents attend state or calendar holidays. City birthdays did not draw much atten tion as well, although they were indicated as being important for a city. Massive events characteristic for a particular city, such as Hanza Dienos in Kaunas or the Sea Festival in Klaipėda, were evaluated the best. [From the publication]

1822-7708; 2538-922X
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