Pirmokų adaptacijos mokykloje ypatumai

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Pirmokų adaptacijos mokykloje ypatumai
Alternative Title:
Adaptation features of the first formers at school
In the Journal:
Tiltai. Priedas. 2002, Nr. 11, p. 5-10. Edukologija: problemos ir perspektyvos
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje analizuojami mokytojų ir tėvų anketinis apklausos rezultatai apie pirmokų adaptaciją, pateikiami darbo ir poilsio kaitos, fizinio aktyvumo ypatumai. Išryškinamas tėvų požiūris į kai kurias vaikų sveikatos saugojimo ir stiprinimo sritis: racionalią darbo ir poilsio kaitą, laikysenos ruošiant pamokas kontrolę, fizinio aktyvumo skatinimą. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Adaptacija mokykloje, sergamumas, darbo ir poilsio kaita, fizinis aktyvumas, pirmokai, mokytojai, tėvai; Adaptation at school, illness, interchange of learning and rest of posture while preparing homework, encouragement of physical activity; Adaptation at school, illness, interchange of learning and rest, physical activity, first formers, teachers, parents.

ENThe beginning of school is quite a difficult step in children lives, which requires intellectual and emotional efforts, will, communication skills, good health. We questioned all the teachers of the first grade and 150 parents from 13 schools of various types in Klaipeda. According (o the teachers 67.7% of the first formers have different difficulties of adaptation at school. Parents, evaluating their children, have a more "optimistically" opinion (18 percent). When asking the teachers to list the problems of adaptation, we noticed that the first formers have all intellectual, psychosocial and physical adaptation problems. After starting attending school 22.0% of children get ill more often that in the kindergarten, 10.6% of children experience serious neurosis problems. The data shows, that the first formers do not follow the interchange of learning and rest correctly. The decrease of physical activity, that is the result of sitting for a long time at the desk, is not compensated in free time: only 1.3% do always morning exercises, for 72.0% homework takes too much time, 86.9% watch television or play computer games long every day. Only 66.0 porcinis go for a walk or play game in the yard willingly. The minority of the first formers attend a sport and dance clubs not everywhere, nor at school, neither at home, there sufficient conditions for children's physical activity. Most of parents do not care enough of children's health protection and strengthening: only 43.3% systematically control, if their children follow the right timetable, 44.2% control always sit correctly at the table, and 68.0% encourage children to do exercise, go to the yard and play. [Text from author]

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