Specialistų ir tėvų bendradarbiavimo predispozicija ir bendradarbiavimo kūrimas

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Specialistų ir tėvų bendradarbiavimo predispozicija ir bendradarbiavimo kūrimas
Alternative Title:
Predisposition of collaboration between parents and professionals
In the Journal:
Specialusis ugdymas [Special Education]. 2003, Nr. 1 (8), p. 129-138
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje nagrinėjamas ankstyvosios reabilitacijos tarnybų specialistų ir tėvų, auginančių neišnešiotus vaikus, bendradarbiauti išankstinis pasirengimas, kuris gali būti vertinamas kaip vienas pradinių ir svarbiausių bendradarbiavimo santykių kūrimo etapų. Analizuojami tokie tirti tėvų ir specialistų nuomonių apie bendradarbiavimą aspektai: tėvų pasitenkinimas teikiama pagalba, tėvų ir specialistų bendradarbiavimo santykiai, veiklos organizavimo prioritetai, vaiko pažinimo pobūdis, specialistų profesinis tobulėjimas. Tėvų ir specialistų nuomonių apie bendradarbiavimą įvertinimo metodika sudaryta atsižvelgiant į aprašomojo tyrimo tikslą - sisteminį objekto kokybinį ir kiekybinį aprašymą. Gauti tyrimo duomenys reikšmingi ART bendradarbiavimo su šeima modeliui kurti bei veiklai optimizuoti. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Ankstyvosios reabilitacijos tarnyba; Bendradarbiavimas; Neišnešiotas kūdikis; Neišnešiotas vaikas; Specialistai; Tėvai; Vaiko raidos sutrikimas; Child development disorder; Collaboration; Cooperation; Early Intervention service; Early intervention services; Parents; Premature baby; Premature child; Specialists.

ENThe survey data - based article presents the results of predisposition of collabouration between parents and early intervention service (ERS) professionals. The author of the research intended to assess professionals' and parents' predisposition to collabourate in the situation of early intervention. Taking into account the aim of the descriptive research - systemic qualitative quantitative description of the object, the methodology of the evaluation of the parents' and professionals' attitudes towards the collabouration, based upon the relation between the preliminary opinion and attitude, has been given. Parents' and professionals' opinions showed, that majority of families, coming to the ERS with a child, were poorly informed about the work of the ERS, the role of professionals and parents themselves, do not participate in common ERS activity. The emphasis on disabilities/disorders of a child and purposefulness of the professional improvement to the therapies of the correction, common for professionals, showed predominating medical approach. The ascertained tendencies of predisposition to collabourate showed that parents' and ERS professionals' opinions on the essential questions of the ERS activity were similar. In specifying the priorities of collabouration, opinions of the respondents of various groups differed. The diversity of opinions was ascertained both in parents' and professionals' groups. The diversity of opinions is determined by limited experience of ERS teamwork, unformed traditions of early intervention, lack of methodological background of activity and systemic approach towards a child.On the other hand, parents do not have enough information about their role in the ERS, about support and relationship with professionals. Because of personal and usually negative experience of communication with specialists, parents tend to feel guilty and to accept conditions, proposed by specialists, without stipulation. The analysis of the situation helps to understand, that the traditional orientation to early intervention, prevailing in the ERS, is adverse to a family, but the insufficiency of the work, admitted by the professionals showed latently existing striving for changes. [Text from author]

1392-5369; 2424-3299
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