Sporto pedagogų parengtis socialinių vaidmenų atlikimui

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Sporto pedagogų parengtis socialinių vaidmenų atlikimui
Alternative Title:
Sports educators training for the performance of social roles
In the Journal:
Mokytojų ugdymas [Teacher Education]. 2005, Nr. 4, p. 64-70
Mokytojų ugdymas / Teacher education; Socialinis ugdymas / Social education; Sportas / Sport.
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnio tikslas - atskleisti socialinio rengimo įtaką sporto pedagogų parengčiai atlikti socialinius vaidmenis. Mokslinė darbo problema - ar socialinis rengimas gerina būsimųjų sporto pedagogų parengtį atlikti socialinius vaidmenis. Sprendžiant šią problemą, išvados grindžiamos ne vienos alternatyvos, o jau ugdomojo eksperimento duomenų pagrindu. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Būsimiej sporto pedagogai; Būsimieji sporto pedagogai; Socialiniai vaidmenys; Socialinis rengimas; Future of sport pedagogues; Future sport pedagogues; Social roles; Social training.

ENThe importance of social training of pedagogues is conditioned by the contemporary situation in Lithuania where a person's social readiness (readiness to communicate and co-operate) is evaluated as a tool that helps to remain a competent specialist and to overcome competition-related obstacles. The urgency of the research of the peculiarities of pedagogues' social training is also attributed to the fact that the orientation of education has changed being no longer directed at the teacher but at the pupil. The educator needs deeper social competence, responsibility for pupils' knowledge as well as their maturity. The level of the pedagogue's ability to communicate and to co-operate depends the pedagogue's social training, his readiness to perform social roles. Therefore, it is of vital importance to ensure the quality of social training of pre-service pedagogues preparating them to fulfil their social roles. The scientific problem refers to the lack of research to provide answers to the question what outlook future sport pedagogues have towards preparation to fulfil social roles before social training and after it. The objective of the work is to define the influence of social training on the preparation of sport pedagogues to fulfil social roles (basing on the experience of the Lithuanian Academy of Physical Education). The research was based on the author's questionnaire. The questionnaire future pedagogues were asked to evaluate their own preparation to fulfil social roles.The experiment was performed with 230 students of the Faculty of Sport Education, Lithuanian Academy of Physical Education, divided in to an experimental group (136 students) and a control group (94 students). Sport pedagogues were tested before social training. In the second stage (after social training) the same research was repeated with the same students. The analysis of pedagogues' social training in Western Europe enables to affirm that in Western Europe countries the same problems are faced like in Lithuania: sometimes students fail to learn how to co-operate with the pupils' parents, they fail to solve conflicts among pupils, and to fulfil other social roles. The tested students are rather badly prepared (completely or not completely ready) to act in the social role of an adviser to the parents, organizer, researcher. It has been established statistically that the preparation of future pedagogues to fulfil their social roles of a lecturer, class manager, socializator, manager, collaborator was significantly high (p<0.05) after the experiment (social training) in the experimental group. Social training is very important for half of the tested students for their preparation to fulfil social roles of sport pedagogues. [text from author]

1822-119X; 2424-3302
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