Šiuolaikinėje žinių visuomenėje gyvenančio vaiko mokymosi sociokultūriniai aspektai

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Šiuolaikinėje žinių visuomenėje gyvenančio vaiko mokymosi sociokultūriniai aspektai
Alternative Title:
Learning of a child living in modern knowledge society: socio-cultural aspects
In the Journal:
Pedagogika. 2010, 100, p. 101-106
Pedagogika / Pedagogy; Švietimas. Švietimo politika / Education. Education policy; Ugdymas / Education; Vaikai / Children; Žiniasklaida / Mass media.
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje aptariamos esminės švietimo reformos idėjos, kurias iškėlė M. Lukšienė: vaiko kaip ugdymosi subjekto samprata, perėjimas nuo formalizuoto autoritarinio ugdymo įstaigoje prie neformalaus savaiminio mokymosi įvairioje kultūrinėje aplinkoje. Pateikiamas tyrimas, rodantis šių idėjų įgyvendinimo ikimokyklinio bei priešmokyklinio ugdymo pakopoje ypatumus. Plačiausiai analizuojami vaikų neformalaus informacijos gavimo iš šeimos narių, ugdymo įstaigos pedagogų, žiniasklaidos, artimos ir tolimos socialinės aplinkos ypatumai. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Lietuvos švietimo reforma; Meilė Lukšienė; Vaikas; Ugdymasis; Šeima; Education reform of Lithuania; Meilė Lukšienė; Child; Self-education; Educational institution.

ENThe article discusses the essential ideas of education reform raised by M . Lukšienė: conception of a child as a subject of self-education, transition from formalised authoritarian self-education in an education institution to informal learning in various cultural environments. The research aims to clarify socio-cultural aspects of learning of children living in a contemporary knowledge society: to establish the relations of receiving information from family, education institution and environment, to identify similarities and differences of receiving information from different environments by children from high social status families and from socially vulnerable families, to specify and generalise peculiarities of child's learning from social environment. The research was conducted applying methods of interview with a child, collision situations and creative assignments. The research sample included 402 five-six year old children attending Lithuanian pre-school education institutions: 134 children from high social status families and 94 children from socially vulnerable families.The research results confirmed that the main idea highlighted by M. Lukšienė regarding a child as a subject of own self-education is currently realised in the stage of pre-school and pre-primary teaching / learning. I t was established that learning of a contemporary Lithuanian child, who lives under conditions of globalisation, is intensively influenced not only by the culture of family or education institution but also by information culture as well as by distant and closer environment. This confirms the statement by M . Lukšienė that a child self-develops under constant effect of cultural tradition and process. The research revealed a more considerable than expected effect of a distant environment (macro-system) on child's learning. The results showed that learning of children from socially vulnerable families is stronger effected by education institution compared to that of children from high education status families. [From the publication]

1392-0340; 2029-0551
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