Socioedukacinė pagalba gatvės vaikams siekiant jų socialinės aprėpties bendruomenėje

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Socioedukacinė pagalba gatvės vaikams siekiant jų socialinės aprėpties bendruomenėje
Alternative Title:
Socio-educational assistance for social inclusion of street children in a community
In the Journal:
Socialiniai mokslai. 2010, Nr. 2 (68), p. 103-111
Subject Category:
Summary / Abstract:

LTVaikai yra visuomenės ateitis, kurią kuriant turi būti visapusiškai skatinama jų gerovė, tačiau šių dienų realybė kitokia. Jungtinės Tautos visame pasaulyje suskaičiuoja apie dešimtis milijonų gatvės vaikų ir jaunimo. Gatvės vaikų kaip socialinės grupės susiformavimą įtakoja įvairūs mikro-, mezo- ir makroveiksniai: pasaulyje vyraujantis skurdas, didelis nedarbas, įvairūs kariniai konfliktai, urbanizacija, prasta šeimos socialinė padėtis, pakitusios socialinės vertybės ir kt. Spręsti vaikų socialinės atskirties problemas, ieškant kelių ir būdų jų socialinei integracijai į bendruomenę yra pirminis įvairių institucijų, dirbančių su vaikais, uždavinys. Straipsnyje siekama atsakyti į probleminį klausimą: kokia socioedukacinė pagalba gatvės vaikams padėtų juos socialiai aprėpti bendruomenėje?. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Socioedukacinė pagalba; Gatvės vaikai; Socialinė aprėptis; Nevyriausybinės organizacijos; Socio-educational assistance; Street children; Social inclusion; Non-governmental organizations.

ENThe aim of the article is to disclose the specific features of socio-educational assistance for street children in striving for their social inclusion in a community. The following research methods were employed: analysis of research literature and documents, written survey and participant observation. Five research informants were selected according to the following criteria: an employee of a non-governmental organization; a specialist working with street children; experience of the work with street children – more than a year. The method of research data analysis was qualitative content analysis. The research instrument. The questions of the semi-structured interview were formulated referring to the analysis of research literature and research questions. The questions of the interview addressed those specialists of NGOs who provide assistance for street children. The interview consisted of ten questions. The questions attempted to elicit the problems street children encounter, the nature of the provided assistance, as well as the factors influencing their re-socialization process. The last questions of the interview were oriented to demographic data of the informants. The research results have shown that the methods of socio-educational assistance helped the children to get back to their usual life rhythm, to accept society norms and essential behaviour standards; however, in this case it is necessary to have a suitable assistance model in order to attain positive results of socio-educational for street children. A possibility for specialists of social work to work with a street child and to provide necessary assistance in every stage of child re-socialization when striving for social inclusion of street children in a community and in applying the model of socio-educational assistance for street children.The article has come up with the following conclusions. Social inclusion of street children is inseparable from socio-educational assistance, which helps to renew children’s social relations, encourages their social activity as well as integration into different social, cultural processes in a community. Socio-educational assistance for street children has to be provided on three levels: national, municipal and individual by creating partnership network among the institutions working in those levels. The results of the empirical research have disclosed that the quality of this as sistance relates to the professional competence of the specialists rendering the assistance, as well as their readiness to perform this work. The results of the empirical research have shown that non-governmental organizations render complex help for street children by orienting it to providing social assistance – satisfaction of the main needs of a child as well as educational assistance. In the processes of assistance provision, all stages of help referred to in the model of socio-educational assistance for street children in a community are visible: on the first stage – the emergence of a street child into the field of social worker / social pedagogue activity; in the second stage – social educational assistance is provided; in the third stage – the control of the results takes place. [From the publication]

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