Pietinės Sėlos ribos beieškant : Sėlės kaimas

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Pietinės Sėlos ribos beieškant: Sėlės kaimas
Alternative Title:
In search of the Southern Sėla border: Sėlė village
In the Journal:
Lietuvos archeologija. 2009, t. 35, p. 193-198
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje polemizuojama dėl Sėlės kaimo (Utenos r.) pavadinimo ryšio su etnonimu „sėliai". Remdamiesi šiuo vietovardžiu, tyrinėtojai pietinę Šėlos ribą neretai nukelia net į Tauragnų apylinkes. Naujausi duomenys rodo, jog XVII-XIXa. Sėlės kaimas buvo vadinamas arba Salomis, arba Sėla. Atkreipiamas dėmesys, jog į rytus nuo Sėlės yra riba arealo, kuriame bendrinis lietuvių kalbos žodis „sala" vartojamas reikšme „kaimas". Reiškiama nuomonė, jog Sėlės ir kitų giminingų vietovardžių pavyzdžiu nėra pagrindo koreguoti geležies amžiuje ir ankstyvaisiais viduramžiais buvusią pietinę Šėlos ribą Šventosios upės aukštupyje. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Sėliai; Etnonimai; Toponimai; Sėla; Ethnonyms; Toponyms.

ENUntil recently linguists had no doubts that the name of Sėlė village (Tauragnai Elderate, Utena District) was connected with the ethnonym Sėliai and was perhaps even mentioned in the act of 1254. However, the information about the 17th—18th century plague and the 19th century colonisation of the Tauragnai region makes one doubt a tradition reaching back to the prehistoric or early historic period. In 2005 Prof. S. Karaliūnas raised the hypothesis that Sėlė is the appellative *sėla 'village' and 'island; rise, hill in a swamp...' with a long root vowel, which became the village name. It has been pointed out that historical information about the use of the name Sėlė was unknown to S. Karaliūnas. It becomes clear from the inventories, ecclesiastical metrica books, and settlement lists that the form of the Sėlė village name predominant during the 17th—19th centuries was Sala: Wies Safy, ...na tey wsi Salow, ...ze wsi Salow, ...ze wsią Salami (1669), de Sofy (1712), etc. The name Sėla is recalled at that time by only episodically encountered forms: de Sayly (1708), de Siaty (1725), etc. Thus, the accepted form of the name, Sala, raises the idea that the village's name could have arisen from the general Lithuanian word sala 'village'. The western limit of the range, in which sala is used with precisely this meaning is near Sėlė village (Fig. 2).There are still many analogous village names on the eastern periphery of Lithuania. In summary it is possible to state that the connection of the ethnonym Sėliai with the name of Sėlė village and other related toponyms and hydronyms is debatable. The name Sėlė should be associated with: 1) the meanings of the appellative *sėla, i.e. 'village' and 'island; rise, hill in a swamp' (this hypothesis raised by S. Karaliūnas can be supported by the fact that during the 17th—19th centuries Sėlė was called Salos and Sėla) or: 2) the general Lithuanian word sala 'village', which is prolific in the construction of settlement names in a large range in eastern Lithuania and western Belarus. At this time, there are no grounds on the basis of Sėlė village to move the boundary of the places inhabited by the Sėliai or especially the southern Sėla boundary south to the upper reaches of the river Šventoji. [From the publication]

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