Every child counts : (review of the health and welfare of children under 3 in residential institutions towards prevention of institutionalisation and the expansion of family care alternatives in the Republic of Lithuania)

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knyga / Book
Anglų kalba / English
Every child counts: (review of the health and welfare of children under 3 in residential institutions towards prevention of institutionalisation and the expansion of family care alternatives in the Republic of Lithuania)
Publication Data:
Vilnius : Socialinių tyrimų isntitutas, 2005.
87 p
Foreword — Introduction / Eduardas Kęstutis Sviklas — Key findings of the study / Eduardas Kęstutis Sviklas — Goals of the research and methodology / Eduardas Kęstutis Sviklas — Goals and tasks of research — Methodology of research — The main trends of survey — Demographic situation / Algimantas Alfonsas Mitrikas: Birth rate; Extra marital children; Divorce; Social risk families — Children guardianship system and its trends in Lithuania. Situation review based on research results / Laimutė Žalimienė): Ratio of institutional and community guardianship; Situation of guardianship in family-type care homes and families; Infant homes; Children's health, guardianship and adoption: Regulation of health care services for children in the country / Genovaitė Paulauskienė; Facilities and health care and education services provided in infant homes / Lilija Kublickienė; Guardianship / Loreta Kuzmickaitė; Adoption / Loreta Kuzmickaitė — Data of the health and welfare of children under 3 in residential institutions — Social characteristics / Arvydas Virgilijus Matulionis: Social characteristics of parents; Social characteristics of children; Types of guardianship and perspectives of adoption — Children's placement and living in infant homes / Arvydas Virgilijus Matulionis: Placement at infant homes ; Frequency of child's placement at infant home; Child's age when he/she/ has been placed at infant home first time; Duration of living in infant homes; Child's visiting by parents and other relatives in infant home — Health status / Loreta Kuzmickaitė: Developmental quotient; Physical status; Groups of health; Diagnoses; Therapy — Social, economic and financial indicators of infant homes / Eduardas Kęstutis Sviklas: Number of children; Funding of institutions; Expenditure of institutions; Personnel working with children; Facilities of infant homes — Survey of experts / Loreta Kuzmickaitė —Attitude of Lithuanian inhabitants towards adoption and guardianship of children deprived of parental care / Loreta Kuzmickaitė — Conclusions of the Study / Eduardas Kęstutis Sviklas — Conference "Make Every Child Count": Summary of keynote presentation at the conference "Make Every Child Count" on alternatives to institutionalisation of infants under 3 / Kevin Browne; Resolution of the Conference "Make Every Child Count" held on April 18, 2005.
Vaikai / Children.
Summary / Abstract:

LTKnyga parengta 2004 m. Lietuvoje atlikto sociologinio tyrimo rezultatų pagrindu. Atliekant tyrimą buvo vadovautasi pagrindiniais 2004 m. Kopenhagoje vykusios konferencijos „Vaikų iki 3 metų amžiaus, prižiūrimų institucinėse įstaigose, skaičius ir charakteristikos Europos šalyse“ [...] teiginiais. Šioje konferencijoje buvo konstatuota, kad kūdikių ir vaikų įkurdinimas institucijose be tėvų ar globėjų ilgesniam kaip 3 mėnesių laikotarpiui gali nulemti jų intelektinės, emocinės ir fizinės raidos sulėtėjimą, kas kelia realią grėsmę vaikų sveikatai bei pažeidžia jų teises. Tai gali būti net prilyginta smurtui prieš vaikus. [...] Atliekant šį tyrimą buvo išnagrinėtos kūdikių ir vaikų iki 3 metų, įkurdintų valstybinėse globos institucijose, socialinės demografinės charakteristikos, išsiaiškintos jų įkurdinimo priežastys, buvimo globos institucijose trukmė, sveikatos būklė atvykus ir fiksuotai 2004 m. lapkričio 1 d. Buvo įvertinti valstybinėse institucijose globojamų kūdikių ir vaikų iki 3 metų sveikatos būklę lemiantys veiksniai ir paruošti galimi sveikatos būsenos stebėsenos rodikliai. Nustatytas kūdikių ir vaikų iki 3 metų, turinčių negalią, sveikatos priežiūros paslaugų poreikis [...]. Taip pat nustatyti galimi įkurdinimo ir išvykimo iš valstybinių globos institucijų per 2002 – 2004 metus variantai [...]. Atlikta veiksnių, dėl kurių vaikai buvo įkurdinti valstybinėse įstaigose, analizė. Nagrinėti veiksniai, kurie galėtų ir privalėtų skatinti vaikų reintegraciją į biologinę šeimą, bei veiksniai, kurie galėtų skatinti vaikų įkurdinimą kitose šeimos ar šeimynose arba įsivaikinimą. [sutrumpintas autoriaus tekstas]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Child under 3 years old; Care; Residential institution; Quardianship; Health; Placement; Adoption; Rehabilitation.

ENThe book was prepared on the basis of the results of the sociological research carried out in Lithuania, in 2004. During the investigation the statements from the conference "The number and the characteristics of children under 3 years, who live in institutions in Europe" [...] which took place in Copenhagen in 2004 had the leading role. In the conference it was stated that if infants and children live in institutions for more than three months without their parents or tutors it may slow down their intellectual, emotional and physical development which threatens children’s health and results in a violation of their rights. It may even be amounted to violence against children. [...] During the investigation, infants and children under three years of age living in state foster institutions were examined for social demographic characteristics; causes of living in foster home, the time spent there, health on arrival and on 1 November 2004 were determined. The factors determining health condition of infants and children under three years of age were evaluated and possible health monitoring indicators were prepared. Needs for health care services for infants and children under three years of age with disabilities were determined [...]. The author also determined possible variants of staying at and leaving state foster homes during the period 2002 - 2004 [...]. The analysis of reasons of coming to state institutions was carried out. Factors encouraging reintegration into biological family or adoption were analyzed.

Related Publications:
Every child counts : (review of the health and welfare of children under 3 in residential institutions towards prevention of institutionalisation and the expansion of family care alternatives in the Republic of Lithuania) / head of research group. Vilnius : Socialinių tyrimų isntitutas, 2005. 87 p.
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