Telefoninio sukčiavimo baudžiamoji teisinė ir kriminologinė problematika

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Telefoninio sukčiavimo baudžiamoji teisinė ir kriminologinė problematika
Alternative Title:
Telephone fraud criminal legal and criminological issues
In the Journal:
Teisės mokslo pavasaris. 2017, 2017, p. 171-189
Prevencija / Prevention.
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje analizuojama viena iš nusikalstamų veikų rūšių, uždraustų baudžiamuoju įstatymu – telefoninis sukčiavimas, išskiriami labiausiai paplitę šios veikos padarymo būdai. Atskleidžiama apgaulės metu tarp nukentėjusiojo ir skambinančiojo asmens atsirandanti sąveika, praktiniu požiūriu apžvelgiami telefoninio sukčiavimo probleminiai aspektai. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Telefoninis sukčiavimas; Baudžiamoji teisė; Įrodinėjimas; Prevencija. Keywords: Telephone fraud; Criminal Law; Evidence; Prevention.

ENThe article analyses telephone fraud, as one of the types of criminal offenses proscribed by law. Typically, telephone fraud carried out within a relatively short time, so that the victim would not realize that it was a deceit. Before the criminal act accomplices search for new potential victims, usually exists preparatory actions for certain strategies. Sometimes, this type of criminal offenses requires an investigation on a particular person (accomplices search for details such as the person to whom the call will be passing title, affiliation, age, as well as the fact that we can use in order to create a better impression of credibility). It is not possible to list exhaustively list of telephone fraud techniques. However, there are few which have to be noticed. Usually, fraudsters present itself as victim’s relative and ask for help. One of the strategies which is used lately is when caller presents itself as police officer or bank representative. During a phone call, it is made direct contact between the caller and the victim. This interaction is one of the most important moments in determining the success for this type of criminal act. This effect is particularly noticeable in telephone fraud cases where the victim is introduced with law enforcement officials, bank representatives. The victim in such situations is admitted to the conversation by suggesting that the conversation going with authoritative persons who have more information and it performs important work.The investigation of telephone fraud cases faced with the problem of how to collect all the facts revealing a criminal act and set offense circumstances. The real difficulty that only evidence is the victim’s testimony. This information can often be inaccurate because the victims usually know the caller false personal data (false identity, the office, workplace). In order to reduce telephone fraud and protect the public, various institutions are looking for ways to stop people on the willingness to commit such a criminal act. First, the public should be more active and take the initiative itself in order to telephone fraudsters would soon be identified. In addition, you can enter the SIM card registration, which will help each telephone number assigned to a specific person. [From the publication]

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