Logistinės įmonės vidinės komunikacijos tobulinimas

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Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Logistinės įmonės vidinės komunikacijos tobulinimas
Alternative Title:
Improving the internal communications of a logistics company
In the Journal:
Regional formation and development studies. 2020, Nr. 1 (30), p. 62-72
Summary / Abstract:

LTOrganizacijos didelį dėmesį skiria išorinei komunikacijai su klientais, visuomene, suinteresuotomis grupėmis. Tuo tarpu vidinė komunikacija reikšmingai mažiau akcentuojama. Vis dėlto ją būtina analizuoti ir vertinti kiekvienoje organizacijoje, nes vidinė komunikacija užtikrina sklandžią veiklą, darnius darbuotojų ir vadovybės santykius. Straipsnyje keliamas tikslas: nustačius logistinės įmonės vidinės komunikacijos poreikį, pateikti tobulinimo kryptis. Remiantis tyrimo rezultatais, nustatyta, kad vidinė komunikacija įmonėje atlieka reikšmingą vaidmenį. Darbuotojams svarbu tiksliai žinoti savo darbus, turėti galimybę pasitikslinti informaciją, laisvai išsakyti savo nuomonę, išreikšti nepasitenkinimą, pateikti pasiūlymų, idėjų. Daugumai apklaustųjų informacijos netrūksta nei iš vadovų, nei iš administracijos. Tačiau tyrimo rezultatai atskleidė, kad ne visi apklaustieji laiku ir ne visą reikiamą informaciją gauna tiesiogiai. Siekiant gerinti logistinės įmonės vidinę komunikaciją aptartos tobulinimo galimybės. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Komunikacijos formos; Komunikavimo formos; Logistikos organizacija; Logistinė organizacija; Vidinė komunikacija; Company of logistics; Forms of communication; Internal communication; Logistics company.

ENOrganisations pay much attention to external communication with clients, society and interested groups. Meanwhile, internal communication is given significantly less attention. Each particular organisation’s internal communication must be analysed and evaluated, for it enables its smooth operation and harmonious relations between employees and management. Internal communication coordinates all elements of management (planning, organising, motivation, control), and is an integral part of effective work. Its aim is not only to facilitate the smooth exchange of information, but also to influence workers’ behaviour and psychological status positively, and to promote identification with the organisation. Effective internal communication results in good decision-making and task implementation, linked to the realisation of the organisation’s goals. Research problem. The tools and forms of communication need to be periodically reviewed, and adapted to the number of employees, the structure of the company, and the process of the development of activities. The logistics company analysed has been carrying out its activities for ten years. In this period, the company grew, and structural changes were implemented. However, material changes have not been implemented in management, and in processes and means of communication. Therefore, it is relevant to assess the effectiveness of the forms and means of communication applied, and to improve these aspects of communication if necessary. The aim of the study is to identify the logistics company’s internal communication needs, and to provide directions for improvement. Research methods: analysis of research literature; a quantitative study method (a questionnaire survey) was applied for empirical research. A total of 88 persons are employed in the logistics company. All the employees of the company were invited to participate in the survey; 66 respondents participated.They were followed by warehouse staff (19.7%). Administrative staff (12.1%) formed a minority. A total of 3% of staff carried out unspecified duties. The majority of respondents (59.1%) worked in division A; while 40.9% worked in division B. Most respondents (45.5%) had worked for the company for two to three years; 15.2% of respondents had up to one year of experience; 18.2% of respondents had four to six years of experience; and 16.7% of respondents had worked for the company for seven to ten years. The majority of respondents (31.8%) are between 31 and 43 years old; 28.8% of respondents are 44 to 56; 27.3% of participant are 18 to 30; 4.5% of respondents did not specify their age. Research ethics. The research was guided by ethical principles: yy The principle of sympathy was ensured by the statements in the questionnaire, which was presented in a respectful way, without causing a loss of privacy for respondents. yy The principle of respect for the person: the aims of the investigation were made clear. yy Voluntary participation is manifested in respondents’ choice to participate in the research. yy Anonymity and confidentiality of data was guaranteed to participants. Data processing methods. The data was compiled and processed using the SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) software package. Percentages, averages, MODA, std. Deviation are calculated when processing quantitative survey data. For the average calculation, the use of a mean comparison was chosen in more than two independent samples. Dispersion analysis (Analysis of Variance, ANOVA) was applied to compare averages of more than two groups. Statistically significant differences in respondents’ attitudes were assessed in relation to the respondents’ duties and the division of labour.According to the results of the study, internal communication is very important for employees of the company. It is important for employees to know exactly their tasks, to have the opportunity to check information, to be able to freely express their views, suggestions and ideas, and also to be able to express dissatisfaction. The results obtained revealed that many respondents would like meetings once a quarter or once a month. That meetings are essential for the organisation is also confirmed by the results, indicating that the respondents find that meetings and work team discussions are convenient ways of receiving information. The research revealed that the respondents do not feel a lack of information from management or the administration. However, the results of the research revealed that not all employees receive enough information on time. In order to improve the logistics company’s internal communication, some suggestions were formulated. It is suggested that all relevant information should always be communicated directly to recipients, to ensure that the information reaches the addressee. The electronic transmission of information is only proposed when it is not possible to provide the necessary information through direct communication, when the information is not so important. The choice of a suitable information channel would probably help avoid misunderstandings related to work. Also, the research revealed that the company does not organise meetings for all employees. Therefore, it is suggested to organise quarterly meetings to discuss various issues relating to work. It is also necessary to establish a box for employees’ suggestions and dissatisfaction. [...]. [From the publication]

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